Learn how to draw a great looking Snowflake with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Snowflake.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Snowflake

How to Draw a Great Looking Snowflake for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing two long, straight, vertical lines, running parallel to one another. These lines will form the central shaft of the snowflake.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw another set of long, straight, parallel lines, crossing the first at a diagonal angle. These lines form additional arms of the snowflake.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw a third set of long, straight, parallel lines, crossing at the same point where the other lines meet. Your snowflake will now have six arms, all evenly spaced.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw a small hexagon in the middle of the snowflake, using six straight lines. The points of the hexagon should be aligned with the arms of the snowflake.
Drawing Step 5

5. Erase the guide lines from within the hexagon.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw a small circle to enclose the end of each arm of the snowflake.
Drawing Step 7

7. On each arm of the snowflake, extend two sets of straight, parallel lines at diagonal angles as compared to the arm. Enclose the shape with a small, curved line on each end. The resulting figure will resemble a boomerang. Repeat this process until a shape has been drawn on each arm.
Add More Details to Your Snowflake Picture - Step 8

8. Between the boomerang shape and the small circle on each arm of the snowflake, draw another, smaller boomerang shape. Use two sets of straight, parallel lines, and two short, curved lines for each. Repeat this process on each arm of the snowflake.
Complete the Outline of Your Snowflake Drawing - Step 9

9. Erase guide lines from the snowflake.
Color Your Snowflake Drawing

10. Snow appears white, of course, but the clear ice crystals that form an individual snowflake can reflect all the colors of the rainbow. Our example is shown in blue.
For more great Christmas & Winter drawing tutorials, see the 43 Cute Christmas & Winter Drawing Designs post.
Learn More About The Snowflake Drawing
Snowflakes form when ice crystals form around a speck of dust or other debris.
As water freezes, it takes the shape of a crystal lattice, causing snowflakes to exhibit stunning geometric patterns.
It is said that no two snowflakes are exactly alike, and that is likely true in the crystal's minutest details.
However, snowflakes can be placed in eight categories and eighty subcategories based on their basic shape. These include needle, plate, column, prism, dendrite, and rime.
The formation known as a "capped column" snowflake actually resembles the TIE fighter from the Star Wars movies!
Much of our knowledge of the snowflake's shape can be attributed to the work of researcher Wilson Alwyn Bently, beginning in 1885.
Bently photographed thousands of snowflakes using a microscope, or order to determine whether identical snowflakes could be found.
In his photographs, he never found two flakes that were just alike. It is estimated that the average snowfall contains more than 5 quintillion snowflakes - that's 5 followed by 18 zeros.
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Snowflake images are used to symbolize a number of ideas. In Europe and North America, the snowflake is used to represent the Christmas season.
Its white color has caused it to become a symbol of purity. The snowflake shape also symbolizes cold weather, the winter season, and winter sports.
It has been a part of the emblem for the Winter Olympics since 1968.
Would you like to draw your very own snowflake to make greeting cards, decorations, or other artwork? Welcome winter using this easy, step-by-step snowflake drawing tutorial.
All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a piece of paper. In each step, you will find a detailed illustration accompanied by explanatory text.
New lines drawn in each step are always highlighted in blue. Some step include the removal of previously drawn lines, called guide lines.
Are you ready to draw enough snowflakes for your school to declare it a snow day? If so, let it snow, let snow, let it snow!
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Santa Claus drawing, Cartoon Reindeer drawing, and Snowman drawing.
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