Learn how to draw a great looking Tent with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Tent.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Tent

How to Draw a Great Looking Tent for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Use four curved lines to draw a curved rectangular shape. This forms one side of the tent.
Drawing Step 2

2. Erase part of the bottom of the shape, and replace it with two curved lines. Draw additional lines down the center of the rectangle. This details how the tent is tied down.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to enclose a rectangle beneath the tent side. Draw another line across it, parallel to the bottom of the rectangle.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use four curved lines to sketch in the front of the tent. It should be roughly house-shaped, like a triangle resting on top of a rectangle. Draw a curved line parallel to the bottom of the shape.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use a series of overlapping curved lines to connect the peak of the tent's front to its bottom. This indicates the open cloth flap.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw a series of shapes along one side of the tent front. from the peak, draw a pair of parallel lines, two "C" shaped lines, and extended oval, more "C" shaped lines, and another elongated oval. Draw short lines at the joints of the shapes. This represents one cloth tent flap tied to the tentpole.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw a set of vertical, parallel lines inside the tent, indicating a tentpole. Draw another, diagonal set of parallel lines inside the tent, indicating the bottom of that tent side.
Add More Details to Your Tent Picture - Step 8

8. Draw pairs of curved parallel lines extending from the points of the tent's side. Draw a small cylinder with a circle at its base at the end of each. These are the tent cords and tent pins that hold the tent in place.
Complete the Outline of Your Tent Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw curved lines from the front of the opposite side, with a cylinder at the end, forming the final tent pin.
Color Your Tent Drawing

Color your cartoon tent. There was a time when tents only came in tan canvas and olive drab, but today, they come in every color you can imagine!
Forest, desert, or seaside camping? You decide. Don't forget to add your favorite forest friends.
For more great Building drawing tutorials, see the 21 Best Building Drawing Tutorials post.
Learn More About The Tent Drawing
A tent is a type of portable shelter that has been used since time immemorial. Ancient nomadic peoples lived in tents full-time, traveling from place to place.
Militaries often house soldiers in tents when occupying a foreign land.
And today, many people enjoy camping in tents recreationally.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Tents are also used for events such as weddings and circuses.
Tents generally consist of a rigid framework of wood or metal covered in some type of cloth.
Did you know? in an emergency situation, you can create a tent out of a tarp, shower curtain, or other materials. Simply place two wooden stakes in the ground and tie a string between them. Put the cloth over the string, and stake its ends to the ground so that it forms a pyramidal structure.
Would you like to draw a cartoon tent? This easy, step-by-step cartoon object drawing tutorial is here to show you how.
All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cartoon Forest drawing, Desert drawing, and Beach drawing.
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