Learn how to draw a great looking Allosaurus with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Allosaurus.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Allosaurus

How to Draw a Great Looking Allosaurus for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cartoon Allosaurus outline by drawing the dinosaur’s face.
First, double a curved line back upon itself to form the central crest. Nearly enclose the rest of the face around it, leaving an opening at the back of the head.
Draw a teardrop-shaped eye with a round pupil shaded within it. Use a short curved line to draw the brow above the eye.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the lower jaw using two curved lines that meet at a point at the front. Fill the mouth with small, triangular teeth.
Draw a curved line at the corner of the mouth, and use another to enclose a second crest on top of the head.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Extend lines from the back of the head to form the neck. Enclose the tongue inside the mouth. Shade a small oval to indicate the nostril, and contour the face and neck with curved lines.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use a series of curved lines to draw the forearm, fingers, and curved triangular claws.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use long curved lines for the dinosaur’s belly, back, and sides of the rear leg. Enclose a teardrop shape to indicate the toenail.
Drawing Step 6

6. Finish the rear foot using teardrop shapes and overlapping curved lines. Then, begin drawing the remaining forelimb. Use curved lines for the sides of the arm and the rounded triangular claw.
Drawing Step 7

7. Complete the forepaw with overlapping curved lines and curved triangle shapes. Then, use long curved lines to draw the remaining rear leg. Use a rounded triangle for the claw.
Add More Details to Your Allosaurus Picture - Step 8

8. Draw the long, curved tail using a series of overlapping lines. Notice how the top of the tail extends into the middle of it, giving it a three-dimensional appearance.
Then, finish the rear foot with curved triangular claws and overlapping curved lines.
Complete the Outline of Your Allosaurus Drawing - Step 9

9. Contour the dinosaur’s skin and joints with long and short curved lines.
Color Your Allosaurus Drawing

Your Allosaurus outline is now complete. Color your cartoon dinosaur.
What color was Allosaurus? No one knows for sure, but it may have been brown, green, or gray - or, it might have had stripes, spots, or bright colors.
For more great dinosaur drawing tutorials, see the collection of How to Draw Dinosaur for Kids.
Learn More About The Allosaurus Drawing
Scientists have discovered so many cool dinosaurs. Would you like to meet one of them? Check out this easy, step-by-step Allosaurus drawing.
If you think this Allosaurus looks a lot like a T. Rex, you're right. Both dinosaurs belong to the same family, called theropods.
They have sharp teeth, small arms, and walk on two legs. You can see these shared traits in this Tyrannosaurus Rex drawing.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
The main difference was their size. T. Rex was taller, longer, and heavier than Allosaurus. Allosaurus fossils are also much older than T. Rex fossils.
Some scientists think that dinosaur fossils may have inspired myths about dragons. Could this dragon skull drawing be linked to your Allosaurus?
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Spinosaurus or Brachiosaurus Drawing tutorials.
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