14 Dinosaur Drawing Ideas with Step by Step Drawings

Do you love dinosaurs? If so, You are not alone. Most kids - and a lot of adults - do. Which dinosaur is your favorite? You may be able to find it on our list of cool dinosaur drawing ideas.

Below, you will find big dinosaurs and little dinosaurs, plant-eating dinosaurs and meat-eating dinosaurs. There are ancient beasts that ran, lumbered, swam, and even flew.

14 Easy Dinosaur Drawing Ideas for Kids Featured Image

Some of the dinosaur drawings are cartoonish, while others look more realistic. As you draw, compare what is similar and different about each one.

What characteristics do all the carnivores share? How are the herbivores similar? You can even draw a fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex skull.

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What can you do with these dinosaur drawings? Put more than one together to create an exciting scene. You can even make a diorama for your next school science fair - draw the dinosaurs, cut them out, and create a three-dimensional prehistoric scene inside a shoe box.

Paleontologists use pickaxes and brushes to uncover fossil dinosaurs. Movie makers use computers to bring them to life. All you will need is a pencil, a sheet of paper, and perhaps some colored pencils with which to shade your finished drawings.

11 Best Dinosaur Drawing Tutorials Pinterest Image

Get ready to roar - there is a whole herd of dinosaurs just waiting for you to draw them.

14 Easy Dinosaur Drawing Ideas

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