Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Cartoon Boat with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Cartoon Boat.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Easy Cartoon Boat

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Cartoon Boat for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the easy cartoon boat outline by drawing a long, wavy line at the bottom of the page. This indicates the waves of the sea.
Drawing Step 2

2. Use a long curved line to trace the hull of the boat. It is an irregular semi-circle, partially hidden by the waves.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to enclose a rectangular shape above the hull. Then, enclose a narrow rectangle above the previous one. This forms the cabin of the boat.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw two ovals on the side of the cabin. These are the windows or portholes. Then, enclose another curved rectangle on top of the cabin, and band it with a line near the top. This is the boat's smoke stack.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw a smaller oval inside each porthole, differentiating the glass of the window from its frame. Enclose a small rectangle on the side of the cabin, with a small oval inside it. This is the cabin's door and its doorknob.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw a circle inside a circle on the side of the hull. This is the life preserver ring. Near it, draw an oval. Then, enclose a small circle within a partial circle around it. This is the top of the boat's anchor.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw another oval on top of the previous one. From the opening of the circle, use curved lines that meet at sharp points to draw the anchor. You can learn how to draw an anchor in more detail by using this drawing guide.
Add More Details to Your Easy Cartoon Boat Picture - Step 8

8. Band the life preserver with curved lines, creating its stripes. Then, draw a long line from the front of the hull to the back of it.
Complete the Outline of Your Easy Cartoon Boat Drawing - Step 9

9. Use a series of curved lines to enclose a cloudlike puff of smoke above the smokestack.
Color Your Easy Cartoon Boat Drawing

Your easy cartoon boat outline is now complete. Color it.
For more great easy drawing ideas step by step drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy Drawing Ideas with Step by Step Drawing Guides.
Learn More About The Easy Cartoon Boat Drawing
Set sail when you learn how to draw an easy cartoon boat.
This boat uses simple shapes. Many of its parts are curved rectangles. Its hull is a half-circle, and full circles make up the life preserver and windows.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
The boat in this illustration could be a tug boat or a fishing boat. Tug boats are used to pull and maneuver larger vessels like the one in this ship drawing guide.
If you choose to make it a fishing boat you will need to learn how to draw a fishing pole. You can even sketch a deep-sea fish like this swordfish drawing to reel in your catch!
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Fishing Boat or Cartoon Bicycle Drawing tutorials.
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