Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Cartoon Sheep with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Cartoon Sheep.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Easy Cartoon Sheep

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Cartoon Sheep for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the easy cartoon sheep outline by drawing the animal’s face. Use a curved triangle for the nose and ovals that are flat on the bottom for the eyes. Draw a smaller oval inside each eye and shade between them.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw a rounded “W” shaped line below the nose to indicate the mouth. Use a “U” shaped line to indicate the open mouth below it. Add the detail of the tongue using a curved line.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Outline the sheep’s face with a long curved line. At the top of the line - the lamb’s forehead - draw a puffy tuft of woolen fur. Use a series of connected “U” shaped lines.
Drawing Step 4

4. Complete the round, fluffy shape using connected “U” shaped lines. Then, draw the sheep’s ears by extending long curved lines and doubling them back upon themselves. This fully encloses the sheep’s face.
Drawing Step 5

5. Begin drawing the sheep’s fluffy, wooly body. Use a series of connected “U” shaped lines. Notice that all the lines are not the same size.
Drawing Step 6

6. Complete the rounded body of the sheep using connected “U” shaped lines. Then, extend a pair of curved lines below the body to form the leg.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw another leg, again extending a pair of lines from the body. Then, use two curved lines to enclose a half-circle shape at the bottom of each leg. These are the sheep’s feet or hooves.
Add More Details to Your Easy Cartoon Sheep Picture - Step 8

8. Draw two more legs, again extending pairs of curved lines from the body. Conclude each leg with a rounded half-circle-shaped hoof.
Complete the Outline of Your Easy Cartoon Sheep Drawing - Step 9

9. Use a series of connected “U” shaped lines to enclose the sheep’s round tail against its body. Detail each hoof by drawing a short line on the front of it.
Color Your Easy Cartoon Sheep Drawing

Your cartoon sheep outline is now complete. Often, sheep are depicted as having white wool, but not all sheep do. Some are solid black, or white and tan with brown faces. Others are speckled and spotted with white, black, brown, gray, and tan.
For more great animal drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy How to Draw Animals Tutorials.

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Learn More About The Easy Cartoon Sheep Drawing
Even if you think your drawing skills are baaad, you can make a cute cartoon with the help of this step-by-step easy cartoon sheep drawing guide!
Sheep are familiar farm animals all around the world. With cloudlike wool coats, this drawing utilizes a lot of round shapes made from collections of “U” shaped lines.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Most cartoon sheep are white in color, just like the one in our illustration. But there are more sheep that come in other colors than there are solid white sheep. In fact, there are more than 1,000 different breeds! Get your markers, crayons, or colored pencils ready.
Whether you’re counting sheep or setting a scene, you might want to draw an entire flock of sheep. You can learn how to draw a ram - a male sheep with horns - or how to draw a lamb or baby sheep.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Easy Dinosaur for Kids or Dinosaur Skull Drawing tutorials.
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