Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Christmas Card with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Christmas Card.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Easy Christmas Card

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Christmas Card for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the easy Christmas card outline by drawing the bells. For each bell, draw a straight line with a "U" shaped line above it. Connect them with short, curved lines.
Drawing Step 2

2. Contour the bells with a line across the bottom of each. Underneath the bells, enclose half-circle shapes. These are the clappers that allow the bells to ring.
Enclose a round shape above the bells to form the knot of a bow, then use a curved line to enclose the heart-shaped side of the bow.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use a curved line to enclose the remaining heart-shaped side of the bow. From each side of the bow, extend pairs of long curved lines to indicate ribbons.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw small ovals hanging from the ribbons. Then, begin a candle drawing. Use curved lines to enclose a rectangle shape and a thick, short line for the wick.
Drawing Step 5

5. Enclose a teardrop-shaped flame around the wick. Then begin drawing the ornaments. Use curved lines to enclose partial circles. Enclose a small trapezoid on top of one ornament drawing.
Drawing Step 6

6. Decorate the ornament with stripes. From the trapezoid, extend a curved line and double it back upon itself, forming the hanger. Enclose another partial circle and stripe it with curved lines.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw another circular ornament near the top of the page. Then, draw many small, six-pointed stars. These can be stars or snowflake drawings, the choice is yours.
Add More Details to Your Easy Christmas Card Picture - Step 8

8. Write the word "Merry" in bold, dark letters. Draw more six-pointed stars or snowflakes.
Complete the Outline of Your Easy Christmas Card Drawing - Step 9

9. Write the word "Christmas" in bold, dark letters.
Color Your Easy Christmas Card Drawing

Your easy Christmas card is now complete. Color your drawing with red and green, blue and white, or any colors you see fit.
For more great Christmas & Winter drawing tutorials, see the collection of How to Draw Christmas & Winter Ideas for Kids.

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Learn More About The Easy Christmas Card Drawing
Is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas where you live? You don't have to buy cards to give to the ones you love.
Instead, use your skills and this easy, step-by-step tutorial to learn how to draw an easy Christmas card.
What makes a good Christmas card? This one has bells, ornaments, stars or snowflakes, candles, and the greeting "Merry Christmas."
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
To make a folded greeting card, simply fold your paper in half along the short edge before you start drawing. Then, you can open the card and write a message inside.
If you have a thick paper like construction paper or cardstock, choose this over notebook paper or printer paper. Your card will be sturdier and last the whole season.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Easy Cartoon Snowman or Fireplace with Christmas Stockings Drawing tutorials.
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