Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Train Track in One Point Perspective with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Train Track in One Point Perspective.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Easy Train Track in One Point Perspective

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Train Track in One Point Perspective for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the easy train track in one-point perspective outline by drawing the horizon line. From a point in the center of the line, extend four diagonal lines, two pairs. These are the metal rails of the train tracks.
Draw pairs of straight lines between them, with a narrow irregular pentagon on each end. These are the wooden railroad ties or crossties that support the rails.
Drawing Step 2

2. Continue to draw the pairs of straight lines with small rectangle shapes on each end.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw horizontal lines across the nearest crossties, giving them a three-dimensional appearance. Then, extend four more diagonal lines from the vanishing point. Connect each pair with straight lines.
Drawing Step 4

4. Using the lower pair of lines as a guide, sketch a rectangular prism. This will be the train station’s platform. Erase the lines of the upper pair closest to the vanishing point, leaving the roof of the building behind.
Then, extend another pair of lines, and draw curved lines between them. This is an awning over the platform. Connect the platform to the roof with a vertical line.
Drawing Step 5

5. Erase the remaining guide lines. Use straight lines to enclose a column at each end of the awning and a window beside it. Draw an arched doorway using curved lines.
Draw a pair of vertical lines on the opposite side of the train tracks with several short, curved lines at its base. This will become a utility pole for supporting telephone lines.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw perpendicular rounded rectangles at the top of the pole to form a “t” shape.
Then, draw successively smaller “t” shaped posts, made from rounded rectangles, alongside the train tracks. Draw curved lines around the bottom of each.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw small semicircles on the horizontal beams, then stretch curved lines between them, forming the telephone lines.
Add More Details to Your Easy Train Track in One Point Perspective Picture - Step 8

8. Use curved lines to draw mountains in the distance and a pair of straight lines to form a road. All these lines should meet at the vanishing point. Draw small round shapes to indicate rocks.
Complete the Outline of Your Easy Train Track in One Point Perspective Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw a straight line and curved lines to draw a fluffy cloud in the sky. Draw more rocks, and use a series of curved lines that meet at jagged points to draw a tuft of grass.
Color Your Easy Train Track in One Point Perspective Drawing

Your easy train track in one-point perspective outline is now complete. Color your drawing.
For more great educational drawing tutorials, see the collection of Beginner Educational Drawing Tutorials.

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Learn More About The Easy Train Track in One Point Perspective Drawing
Many photos and artwork capture a train track fading into the distance. You can learn how to make just such a picture thanks to this easy train track in one-point perspective drawing tutorial.
In one-point perspective, everything converges on (and seems to disappear at) a central point called the vanishing point.
Notice how the tracks, mountains, and road in this picture get smaller and closer together until they disappear in the middle of the page.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Pictures like this one are a central part of the Americana style. It's rustic and includes objects unique to American pop culture.
If you're thinking these tracks need a train to run on them, you can learn how to draw a steam locomotive here.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Easy Hallway in One Point Perspective or Easy Street in One Point Perspective Drawing tutorials.
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