Learn how to draw a great looking Bacteria with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Bacteria.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Bacteria

How to Draw a Great Looking Bacteria for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Start by outlining the basic shape of the bacterium. Use a long curved line to enclose a bean shape. Then, draw another smaller bean shape inside it. This inner shape indicates the cross-section where part of the surface appears to be cut away so you can see inside the cell.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw two long curved lines extending from the cross-section. The lines should be relatively parallel but converge at the end to meet at a point. This is a flagellum, a hair-like structure often compared to a tail. The bacteria uses its flagellum to "swim" or move around.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw a long curved line that doubles back and forth over itself. This is the microbe's DNA. Unlike eukaryotes - animal cells - bacteria don't keep their DNA stored neatly inside a nucleus.
Drawing Step 4

4. Continue the curved line of the DNA and double it back upon itself to complete the outline. Then, draw many small ovals. These are the ribosomes, organelles which the bacteria use to produce energy.
Drawing Step 5

5. Continue to draw small oval-shaped ribosomes. Then, draw several curved, hairlike lines extending from the surface of the bacterial cell. These are called pili. They play a role in allowing the bacterium to move around and stick to surfaces - thus facilitating an infection.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw more hairlike pili of different lengths all over the bacterium's cell wall. Use a curved line for each.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the final pili on the bottom side of the cell. Then, begin to label the parts of the cell. Write the word, and draw straight lines to the part it describes. First, label the pili.
Add More Details to Your Bacteria Picture - Step 8

8. Continue to label the parts of the prokaryotic cell. Do you remember what they are called? The tail-like structure is the flagellum. The outer casing of the cell is the capsule. The wavy line at its center is the bacterial DNA. And the space around the opening where the cross-section is cut away reveals the plasma membrane.
Complete the Outline of Your Bacteria Drawing - Step 9

9. Label a few more parts, and your bacteria cell anatomy diagram is complete. Just outside the plasma membrane, also inhabiting the cut-away, is the cell wall. The small ovals are ribosomes, and the space around them is the cytoplasm.
Color Your Bacteria Drawing

Color your cartoon diagram of a bacteria cell. The colors in our illustration don't necessarily represent lifelike coloration, but they help to distinguish the different parts.
For more great Back to School drawing tutorials, see the 39 Back to School Drawing Ideas for Kids post.
Learn More About The Bacteria Drawing
Want to learn how to draw bacteria? There are lots of reasons why you might. You could be working on a science project or making a sign to remind people to wash their hands.
Or maybe you're drawing a comic book about giant bacteria attacking from outer space - the famous movie The Blob is an example of just that type of story!
Either way, learning to draw cartoon bacteria is easy. With the help of this drawing tutorial, you won't need a microscope or a lab coat in order to study bacteria and the cell structure. All you will need is paper, a pencil, and this cartoon drawing guide!
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Our study guide is detailed, accurate, and, labeled with the primary parts of the bacteria cell. There are many types of bacteria - some are rod-shaped, others are round.
This cartoon diagram covers the basic parts common to all prokaryotic cells.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cartoon Scientist drawing, Microscope drawing, and Washing Hands drawing.
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