How to Draw Bart Simpson

Learn how to draw a great looking Bart Simpson with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Bart Simpson.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Bart Simpson

How to Draw a Great Looking Bart Simpson for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 01

1. Begin by drawing Bart's head. To draw the sides of the head, use a pair of vertical curved lines. Then, connect them at the top using a zigzag line to form Bart's spikey hair.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 02

2. Draw the bottom of Bart's face. Use a curved line to extend one side of the head, looping it around beneath the shape to form the upper lip. Draw a curved line beneath it, completing the mouth and the neck. On the opposite side, use a "C" shaped line to form the ear. Detail the inside with additional curved lines. Use a short curved line to complete the neck.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 03

3. Use large circles to draw Bart's eyes, one of which should overlap the side of the face. Shade a small circle inside each to form the pupil. Then, use a curved line to draw the nose.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 04

4. Erase guide lines where the eyes intersect the side of the face

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 05

5. Connect the sides of the neck with a curved line, forming the neck of the shirt. Use curved lines to enclose the short sleeves.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 06

6. Use curved lines to sketch Bart's folded arms. The lines should meet at sharp points. On top of one arm, enclose several small, overlapping ovals to form Bart's fingers.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 07

7. Extend curved lines from below the arms. Connect them using a curved line, enclosing the bottom of the shirt. Then, extend a pair of curved lines downward from each side of the shirt. Extend a short line from each side toward the middle, but don't allow them to meet; one line should culminate above the other. Connect them with a straight line, fully enclosing Bart's shorts.

Add More Details to Your Bart Simpson Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 08

8. Extend a pair of lines downward from the shorts, forming the leg. Enclose the end using a pair of curved lines that meet on each side. This is the top of the shoe. Enclose the rest of the shoe using curved lines to form a loosely triangular shape. Draw a curved line parallel to the bottom of the shoe to indicate the sole.

Complete the Outline of Your Bart Simpson Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 09

9. Repeat this process to draw the remaining leg. Decorate the shoe with a small circle.

Color Your Bart Simpson Drawing

How to Draw Bart Simpson Step 10

Color Bart Simpson. He is generally yellow in color with a red shirt and blue shorts.

Check out our other cartoon character drawing guides.

Easy, step by step Bart Simpson drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Bart Simpson Drawing

The Simpsons is the "longest-running animated television series in U.S. history," having been on the air since 1989. Short animated clips appeared as early as 1987.

The Simpsons is a satire of a dysfunctional American family. It is set in the fictional town of Springfield and often comments on pop cultural, social, and political issues.

Bartholomew JoJo Simpson, or Bart for short, is the eldest child of Marge and Homer Simpson. Bart was born on April 1, making him an incorrigible prankster.

He is ten years old when the series begins. Bart is famous for catchphrases such as "Ay caramba!", "Eat my shorts!", and "Don't have a cow, man."

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Bart is seen as a reflection of many children. He is very smart, yet he has ADHD and struggles with his schoolwork.

His favorite pastimes include watching TV, reading comic books, and playing video games. He was named entertainer of the year in 1990 and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Would you like to draw Bart Simpson? This easy, step-by-step cartoon character drawing tutorial is here to show you how.

All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Captain Underpants drawing, Darwin Watterson from the Amazing World of Gumball drawing, and Little Pony Rainbow Dash drawing.

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