How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men

Learn how to draw a great looking Cyclops from X-Men with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cyclops from X-Men.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Cyclops from X-Men

How to Draw a Great Looking Cyclops from X-Men for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 01

1. Begin by drawing Cyclops' goggles and hair. Use curved lines to enclose the irregular shape of the goggles and the rounded "M" shape of the hair. Note the overlap at the edge of the goggles and the pointed tips of the hair.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 02

2. Outline the face, neck, and head. Draw a curved line between the peaks of the hair. Enclose a rounded shape beneath the goggles, and extend curved lines on either side of it.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 03

3. Draw a large "X" shape across the chest, just below the neck. Draw curved lines above and below the legs of the "X" to outline the sides of the torso.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 04

4. Draw a curved, inverted triangle at the top of the "X." Draw a line down the lower side of the triangle, and crosshatching in the center. Then, extend a pair of curved lines to outline the arm. Draw a small rectangle at the wrist. Then, use curved lines to sketch the hand and detail the bend in the elbow.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 05

5. Draw the thigh by extending long, curved lines from the torso. Detail the hip using a short line. At the knee, draw a rounded, inverted triangle. Then, draw curved lines parallel to the upper sides.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 06

6. Enclose the lower leg and boot using a long, curved line that doubles back upon itself. Enclose an irregular shape at the front of the boot and a narrow sole at the bottom.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 07

7. Extend another long, curved line from the torso, doubling it back upon itself to outline the entire leg and foot. At the knee, draw an inverted, rounded rectangle, and draw a curved line around two of its sides. Use a curved line to indicate the sole of the shoe, and others to enclose the irregular shapes at the front of the boot and calf. Band the back of the calf with a pair of short lines.

Add More Details to Your Cyclops from X-Men Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 08

8. Draw a rounded triangle at the remaining shoulder, then extend a pair of curved lines to outline the arm. Draw a rounded rectangle at the wrist, and use curved lines to enclose the hand and thumb.

Complete the Outline of Your Cyclops from X-Men Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 09

9. Detail Cyclops' face. Draw a narrow rectangle within the goggles, and use curved lines to draw the nose, mouth, and chin.

Color Your Cyclops from X-Men Drawing

How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Step 10

Color Cyclops. He wears a black and gold suit. Then, check out our characters drawing guides for more super-powered fun.

Easy, step by step Cyclops from X-Men drawing tutorial
How to Draw Cyclops from X-Men Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Cyclops from X-Men Drawing

"I love tortured heroes - and he was tortured because he couldn't control his power."
- Stan Lee, comic book writer and creator of Cyclops

Cyclops, also known as Scott Summers or Slim, first appeared in the X-Men comic books in 1963. He is a human mutant able to emit energy beams called optic blasts from his eyes. He wears special goggles that allow him to control these beams.

Scott became an orphan when aliens attacked an airplane and his parents were killed. They placed him and his brother in the only parachute, saving their lives.

When his powers began to manifest, endangering people when he inadvertently destroyed a construction crane, he fled the orphanage. He was the first of the X-Men recruited by Professor Charles Xavier.

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Did you know? The name "Cyclops" refers to giant, one-eyed creatures from Greek legend. This likely references the single-lens goggles that Cyclops wears.

Would you like to draw Cyclops from the X-Men? This easy, step-by-step Marvel superhero drawing guide can answer your cries for help.

All you will need is a pencil, pen, or marker and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished character.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Hulk drawing, Wolverine from X-Men drawing, and Black Panther drawing.

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