Learn how to draw a great looking Hulk with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Hulk.
Step by Step Instructions for Drawing the Hulk

How to Draw a Great Looking Hulk for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing a small circle. This will help you to outline the Hulk's head. Draw two small lines descending from the circle, curving inward. Draw another set of curved lines overlapping these, then enclose the face with a final curved line, forming the chin.
Drawing Step 2

2. Erase guide lines from the face. Enclose the ears on each side of the face, using a short curved line for each.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw the Hulk's neck and shoulders. For the muscular shoulders, draw a curved line extending from each side of the head, just below the ears. For the neck, draw two short lines extending from the jaw. Then, draw two more small lines, below but not connected to the face, tilted on the opposite diagonal.
Drawing Step 4

4. Begin to sketch the Hulk's arm. Use a series of connected, curved lines to form the muscles both on top of and beneath the arm.
Drawing Step 5

5. Sketch the opposite arm, again using overlapping, connected, curved lines to form the muscles of the arm.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use a series of curved lines, descending from below each arm, to sculpt the Hulk's torso. Draw curved lines across the shoulders, chest, and stomach to indicate the curves of his muscles.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the Hulk's clenched fist. Use overlapping "U" shaped lines to form the fingers and thumb. Draw a small circular shape at the tip of the thumb to form the fingernail. Enclose the palm and the remainder of the hand using a curved line. Finally, add detail by drawing two short lines on the wrist and another at the elbow.
Add More Details to Your Hulk Picture - Step 8

8. Draw the Hulk's other fist. Again, use overlapping curved lines to form the fingers and thumb; don't forget to draw the fingernail.
Complete the Outline of Your Hulk Drawing - Step 9

9. Define the Hulk's muscles by drawing a line down the center of the chest. Then, detail the face. Use a series of short, curved lines, connected in jagged points, to outline the shape of the hair. Erase guide lines as necessary. Enclose the angry eyebrows using curved lines, and draw a half circle beneath each to form the eyes. Place a small shaded circle in each eye to indicate the pupil. Draw a "U" shaped line to form the nose, with curved lines extending on each side. Enclose the mouth, a rounded trapezoid in shape. Draw a short line below the mouth to indent the chin.
Color Your Hulk Drawing

10. Color the Hulk green.
Would you like to draw additional super heroes? Check out our character drawing guides,where you'll find such famous characters as Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, and more.
Learn More About The Hulk Drawing
"Hulk smash!"
- The Hulk
The Incredible Hulk entered the world of Marvel Comics in 1962. From that time onward, Hulk lived not only in comic books but in television cartoons, live action films, video games, and merchandise.
The Hulk's story begins when an introverted scientists is exposed to gamma radiation. The Hulk, whom he turns into at night or when enraged, is the personification of his negative and antisocial emotions.
The Hulk's super power is super strength. Always the antihero, Hulk is sometimes on the same team as the good guys, and sometimes opposed by them.
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Based on the classic story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the Hulk is now considered an American pop culture icon.
Would you like to draw the Incredible Hulk? Doing so is easy with the help of this simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial.
All you will need is a pencil, a sheet of paper, and an eraser. You'll also need a green crayon, marker, or colored pencil to shade your finished drawing.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Superman drawing, Spiderman drawing, and Batman drawing.
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