How to Draw Pecan Nuts

Learn how to draw a great looking Pecan Nuts with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Pecan Nuts.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Pecan Nuts

How to Draw a Great Looking Pecan Nuts for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 01

1. Begin by drawing the shell of the first nut. Outline the outside of the shell using two curved lines that meet at a point on one end. At the other end, draw a curved line, but don't allow it to connect to the previous lines.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 02

2. Next, draw the nut protruding from the shell. Use three overlapping curved lines to form the three lobes of the nut. Then, draw two curved lines down the center of the nut, pointing towards but not connecting to the troughs of the lobes.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 03

3. Draw another line down the side of the nut. Then, draw a "twin" - another nut - below the first using overlapping curved lines. Contour the shell around the opening with parallel curved lines.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 04

4. Continue to texture the nut using curved lines. Then, draw a second nut. Outline the shell using two curved lines. The lines should meet at a point at one end.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 05

5. Texture the shell of the second nut using curved lines of various lengths. Then, extend two parallel curved lines from the round end opposite the point to form the stem. Allow the lines to connect at a gentle point.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 06

6. Draw a leaf connected to the stem. First, draw a short curved line for the leaf stem. Then, extend two curved lines, and allow them to meet at a point. Draw a curved line down the center of the leaf to indicate the central vein.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 07

7. Draw a second leaf. Again, extend two curved lines, and allow them to meet at a point. Draw a curved line down the center of the leaf to indicate the central vein. Finally, begin the outline of a third pecan nut. Use a long curved line, and erase as necessary.

Add More Details to Your Pecan Nuts Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 08

8. Use a series of overlapping curved lines to outline the edible fruit of the pecan nut.

Complete the Outline of Your Pecan Nuts Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 09

9. Texture the pecan by drawing several wavy lines down the center.

Color Your Pecan Nuts Drawing

How to Draw Pecan Nuts Step 10

Color your cartoon pecans. Like most nuts, they are generally brown in color.

We're nuts for food-themed drawing guides! In the immortal words of Vizzini and Fezzik in The Princess Bride:
"No more rhymes now, I mean it."
"Anybody want a peanut?"

Yes, please! Learn to draw one today.

For more great Food drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy Food Art Projects for Kids post.

Easy, step by step Pecan Nuts drawing tutorial
How to Draw Pecan Nuts Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Pecan Nuts Drawing

"I believe in things I can count on, like... ESPN and my grandmother's pecan pie."
- Justin Timberlake, American singer/songwriter

Pecan is both the name of a tree and the nut it produces. A member of the walnut and hickory family, the pecan is native to North America. Its name is derived from the word for nut in Algonquian, a Native American language.

Pecans have one of the highest fat contents of any nut, contributing to their rich flavor. Pecans are eaten raw, roasted, candied, and as a part of both sweet and savory dishes.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

The pecan is perhaps most well-known as the title ingredient in pecan pie, a rich sugary confection often enjoyed at Thanksgiving dinner.

Whether there are chestnuts roasting on an open fire, a pie to prepare, or trail mix to pack before your big adventure, you can learn to draw a tasty cartoon pecan.

Grab a pencil and an eraser, and go nuts for this easy, step-by-step cartoon food drawing tutorial!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Peanut drawing, Pie drawing, and Nutcracker drawing.

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