Learn how to draw a great looking Scenery with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Scenery.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Scenery

How to Draw a Great Looking Scenery for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cartoon scenery outline by drawing a pine tree. Use two curved lines for the pointed tip of the tree. Then, draw two curved lines extending outward, with scalloped, curved lines between them. Repeat these triangular scalloped sections, allowing them to grow bigger each time.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw more scalloped lines, and extend curved lines to form another section connected by scallops. Then, follow this same pattern to draw another tree in the background. Notice that it is smaller than its companion, indicating that it is farther away.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Complete the second tree. Then, draw a series of curved lines around the bottom of the trees. This indicates the grass on the riverbank. Use long, overlapping curved lines to draw the sloping, muddy riverbank beneath the grass.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw some grass in the foreground, using curved lines that meet at jagged points. Then, draw a house or cabin on the opposite riverbank. Draw a pentagon for the front of the house. Then, use straight or slightly curved lines to begin its side and roof.
Drawing Step 5

5. Detail the house. Draw rectangular doors and windows. Use straight lines to make the crossbars of the windows and the trim above them. Draw an oval-shaped doorknob. Enclose an irregular hexagon with a parallelogram inside it to form the chimney.
Finish enclosing the roof, then use curved lines to draw the cloudlike smoke above the chimney.
Drawing Step 6

6. Complete the smoke, then draw the riverbank. Use a series of curved lines to sketch the grassy bank, and long lines for the slope beneath it. Use curved lines to enclose the banana-shaped canoe. Draw a line inside it to separate the side and inside of the boat.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw cattails in the foreground, each a curved line passing through a narrow, flattened oval. Then, draw the bend of the river in the distance. Use curved lines for the riverbank, and a series of connected, curved lines for the treeline.
Add More Details to Your Scenery Picture - Step 8

8. Use curved lines that meet at points to draw the mountains in the distance. Detail and texture them with more curved lines. Draw another pine tree partially visible behind the originals.
Complete the Outline of Your Scenery Drawing - Step 9

9. Use straight and curved lines to sketch a cloud in the sky. Texture the flowing water with curved lines, and draw patches of grass using connected "U" shaped lines.
Color Your Scenery Drawing

Your cartoon scenery is now complete. Color the green grass, blue water, house, and mountains.
For more great easy drawing ideas tutorials, see the collection of Simple Easy Drawing Ideas Art Projects.
Learn More About The Scenery Drawing
Would you like to draw beautiful scenery? This easy, step-by-step scenery drawing guide is here to show you how.
Scenery is "a picturesque view or landscape." Scenery can also describe the painted backgrounds used in a stage play that represent such outdoor vistas.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Either way, this scenery features mountain drawings, a small cabin or house, a canoe by the river drawing, and various plants.
What would this scene look like in a video game? Check out this mountain pixel art drawing to find out!
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Easy City in One-Point Perspective or Easy City in Two-Point Perspective Drawing tutorials.
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