Learn how to draw a great looking Superman with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Superman.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Superman

How to Draw a Great Looking Superman for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the Superman outline by sketching Supe's head and face. Use curved lines to trace the eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin, ears, hair, and bulging neck muscles. Don't forget the classic "Superman curl" on his forehead.
Drawing Step 2

2. Outline the neck and shoulders of his suit, as well as his pectoral muscles, with curved lines. Next, draw the Superman logo. Outline a double inverted triangle with two blunt points. Inside it, draw the "S" shaped emblem of the House of El.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Sketch Superman's muscular arm. Use curved lines for the sides of the arm, the hand, and the fingers, as well as the end of the sleeve and the contours of the muscles.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use a curved line for the torso and then sketch Superman's remaining arm, nearly a mirror image of the first.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use curved lines to complete the torso and to draw the briefs, rectangular sections of the belt, and oval-shaped belt buckle. Contour the ab muscles with curved lines. You can learn more about how to draw abs here.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use long, curved lines to draw Superman's leg. Notice how the lines overlap where the calf muscle meets the knee and the lower leg. Use curved and "V" shaped lines to trace the top of the boot, and short curved lines to contour the muscles.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw Superman's remaining leg, boot, and muscles using curved lines.
Add More Details to Your Superman Picture - Step 8

8. Draw Superman's cap, erasing at the shoulders as necessary. Use overlapping curved lines to sketch the fabric as it goes over the shoulders to meet the top of the Superman logo. Then, extend long curved lines that meet at a point to draw the top of the extended cape.
Complete the Outline of Your Superman Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete the cape using a wavy line, and contour the fabric with additional curved lines.
Color Your Superman Drawing

Your cartoon Superman outline is now complete. Color his suit. His torso, arms, and legs are blue. The cape, briefs, and boots are red. His logo is red and yellow, and his belt is yellow, too.
Learn More About The Superman Drawing
Would you like to draw the first and most famous of all superheroes? You can learn how to draw Superman with the help of this easy, step-by-step superhero drawing guide.
Superman may look difficult to draw, but he is really not. When you follow the steps, you will see how complex parts are broken down into simple curved lines. Soon, you will be able to complete small sketches in a single bound!
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Your Superman picture won't just be a drawing of a guy in a cape - you will learn to sketch the Man of Steel in time-honored comic book style.
Superman is part of the Justice League, a group of crime-fighting superheroes who take on the biggest baddies in the universe. Learn how to draw the Justice League logo.
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