Learn how to draw a great looking Nike Logo with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Nike Logo.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing the Nike Logo

How to Draw a Great Looking Nike Logo for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the Nike logo outline by sketching the letter "N." Use straight lines to enclose the outline of the first upright portion and the diagonal portion.
Drawing Step 2

2. Use long and short straight lines to draw the second upright portion of the letter "N," completely enclosing it. Then, draw a long parallelogram to form the letter "I."
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Drawing Step 3

3. Begin drawing the letter "K." Use long and short straight lines to draw the upright portion and two sides of each of the diagonal portions of the letter.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw an obtuse triangle to finish the letter "K" and begin the upright back of the letter "E." Then, use short, straight lines to begin drawing the top, side, and bottom of the letter.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use straight lines to complete the letter "E," noticing that the bottom arm remains open at the bottom. This is because it is connected to the Swoosh. Extend curved lines from each side of this opening, tracing the top of the Swoosh.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw a long, curved line from one end of the Swoosh to the other, completely enclosing the checkmark shape. Then, begin to make the letters in 3D. Draw straight lines loosely parallel to the bottom of the "N"'s first upright section.
Drawing Step 7

7. Enclose trapezoid shapes below the second upright of the "N," the "I," and the "K." Draw short, diagonal lines between the "N," "I," and "K."
Add More Details to Your Nike Logo Picture - Step 8

8. Draw straight lines roughly parallel to the sides of the "K" and "E."
Complete the Outline of Your Nike Logo Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your Nike logo outline by finishing the 3D arm of the "E" and enclosing curved shapes along the front and bottom of the Swoosh.
Color Your Nike Logo Drawing

Color your cartoon of the Nike logo. We've left the lettering and Swoosh white while shading the three-dimensional elements red. But Nike products come in all sorts of colors, so you can be creative!
For more great easy drawing tutorials, see the collection of Simple Easy Art Projects.
Learn More About The Nike Logo Drawing
Do you love all things Nike? Make your mark with this Nike logo drawing guide.
Nike's Swoosh symbol logo is iconic. Nike adopted the Swoosh logo in 1971. Interestingly, it was designed by a student, not a professional designer!
The Nike logo cartoon outline consists of the word "NIKE" in all caps along with the Nike Swoosh, a stylized checkmark. Extra lines and shading give the logo a three-dimensional appearance.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Since 1995, the Swoosh has often been used alone without the word Nike alongside it. Why? Brand recognition is that strong - people know they are looking at a Nike product even without the title.
Nike makes a lot of branded products, including shirts, running and basketball shoes, hoodies, and sports equipment. What will you put your Nike logo on?
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Rottweiler or Map Drawing tutorials.
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