How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers

Learn how to draw a great looking The Red Ranger from Power Rangers with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect The Red Ranger from Power Rangers.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing the Red Ranger from Power Rangers

How to Draw a Great Looking The Red Ranger from Power Rangers for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 1

1. Begin by using curved lines to sketch the ranger's head. Note the point of the chin and the inset eye area of the irregular rounded shape.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 2

2. Use a curved line to enclose the neck beneath the head. Draw a diamond below the chin. Use curved lines to connect the neck to the diamond, enclosing the shoulders in the process.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 3

3. Draw the Red Ranger's arm. Use curved lines to enclose interlocking teardrop shapes to form the upper arm, a rounded triangle at the elbow, and the irregular shapes of the lower arm and hand. Band the wrist with two curved lines.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 4

4. Draw the Red Ranger's torso. Use a curved line to outline the rounded rectangular shape. Draw the belt using wide and narrow rectangles. Draw curved lines along the sides of the torso.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 5

5. Draw the remaining arm. Use curved lines to enclose the teardrop and rounded shape of the upper arm, the rounded triangle at the elbow, and the irregular shapes of the lower arm and hand.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 6

6. Draw a curved, inverted triangle with blunt points beneath the belt. On one side of the triangle, enclose an irregular shape to form the thigh. At the bottom of the thigh, draw an irregular hexagon to indicate the knee.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 7

7. Enclose the lower leg and foot using a long, curved line. Band the ankle with two curved lines.

Add More Details to Your The Red Ranger from Power Rangers Picture - Step 8

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 8

8. Use a long, curved line to enclose the remaining leg and foot. Draw a rectangle across the ankle, and a hexagon and a small triangle at the knee.

Complete the Outline of Your The Red Ranger from Power Rangers Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 9

9. Detail the Red Ranger's helmet. Use curved lines to enclose an irregular shape in the center of the helmet. Then, draw another, slightly smaller, curved line parallel to the first. This form's the helmet's visor or goggles. Use curved lines to outline the dinosaur face above the visor, and shade the oval-shaped eyes. Enclose another irregular shape beneath the visor, this time indicating the opening for the mouth. Then, use curved lines to draw the mouth and lips.

Color Your The Red Ranger from Power Rangers Drawing

How to Draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Step 10

Did you know? You can turn your drawing into any Power Ranger you wish simply by changing the color of the suit. Besides the Red Ranger, there are blue, black, yellow, green, pink, and white Power Rangers.

Learn to draw more of your favorite heroes with our characters drawing guides.

Easy, step by step The Red Ranger from Power Rangers drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The The Red Ranger from Power Rangers Drawing

The Power Rangers are a long-running children's entertainment franchise. The series debuted in 1993 with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. This live-action superhero show drew from several popular Japanese series, and spawned a long line of action figures.

In the time since, the Power Rangers have undergone twenty different television series and three feature films, each with a unique theme and costuming. Suit color identifies the Ranger and is often present in civilian garb as well.

In each series, one thing remains the same. The Power Rangers are youths who are trained by a mentor to fight against danger and pilot immense machines called Zords. The Rangers can combine their individual Zords to form the massive Megazord.

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The Power Rangers live by a strict code: they cannot disclose their identities, use their powers for personal gain, or needlessly escalate violence. If they do, the punishment is the loss of their powers.

Would you like to draw the Red Ranger from Power Rangers? This easy, step-by-step Power Ranger drawing guide is here to show you how. All you will need is a pen, pencil, or marker and a sheet of paper. You'll also need crayons, colored pencils, or markers to shade your favorite Ranger.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Harley Quinn drawing, Black Panther drawing, and Venom drawing.

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