How to Draw Wonder Woman

Learn how to draw a great looking Wonder Woman with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Wonder Woman.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Wonder Woman

How to Draw a Great Looking Wonder Woman for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 01

1. Begin by outlining Wonder Woman's face. Use curved lines to outline the face. Sketch the incomplete triangular shape of her crown at the top of the face. Draw a five-pointed star in the center of the crown. Then, use long, curved lines to sketch locks of her curly, flowing hair.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 02

2. Draw Wonder Woman's ears and earrings. Enclose two small half circles on each side of her head.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 03

3. Continue to draw Wonder Woman's hair. Use long, curved lines to outline the hair. Notice that shorter lines connected in curving points are present. Draw curling locks of hair extending from the side of Wonder Woman's face.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 04

4. Continue to draw Wonder Woman's hair on the opposite side. Use long, curved lines and shorter curved lines that meet in curling points.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 05

5. Begin to sketch Wonder Woman's arm and upper body. Extend a short line downward from the face to form the neck. Use long, curved lines to sketch the shoulder, arm, and side of the torso. Draw a pair of short, curved lines across the bottom of her arm to form her bracelets.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 06

6. Extend curved lines on the opposite side to form the remaining arm. Notice how the lines meet at a right angle to form the bend of the elbow. Draw a pair of short, curved lines across the arm to form the bracelet. Then, draw a curved line downward from the upper arm to complete the torso. Draw a series of curved and straight lines across the upper torso in the shape of a "W," forming the top of the garment. Finally, use a series of curved lines to extend Wonder Woman's hair behind her back.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 07

7. Add detail to your drawing. Sketch Wonder Woman's face. Draw double-pointed teardrop shapes for the eyes, with round pupils shaded within. Use curved lines to form the eyebrows, nose, and lips. Draw curved lines across the shoulders to indicate the collar bone. Sketch multiple "W" shapes across the garment.

Add More Details to Your Wonder Woman Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 08

8. Use a series of curved lines to sketch Wonder Woman's hands resting on her hips.

Complete the Outline of Your Wonder Woman Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 09

9. Sketch Wonder Woman's legs using curved lines. Draw an inverted, curved "V" across the torso, and use curved lines to outline the bottom of the garment. Embellish the garment with five-pointed stars.

Color Your Wonder Woman Drawing

How to Draw Wonder Woman Step 10

Color Wonder Woman. She typically has dark hair, and her outfit is red, yellow, and blue.

You'll find plenty of other DC comic book heroes and villains - including Batman and Superman - in our Cartoon Characters Drawing Guides.

For more great People drawing tutorials, see the 51 Cute People Drawing Designs post.

Easy, step by step Wonder Woman drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Wonder Woman Drawing

"Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world."
- William Moulton Marston

Wonder Woman first appeared in DC Comics in 1941. She was made of clay by Hippolyta, or alternatively the daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus.

Wonder Woman was raised as an Amazon on the distant island of Themyscira and takes on the identity of Diana Prince when far from home.

Wonder Woman was endowed with the best qualities of the mythological gods. She was as "beautiful as Aphrodite, wise as Athena, swifter than Hermes, and stronger than Hercules."

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Wonder Woman often rescued herself from danger, defeating the "damsel in distress" archetype common in princess stories.

Due to her strength and self-reliance, she became a symbol of the feminist movement - the same movement that had inspired her creation.

Pow! Would you like to draw Wonder Woman? This easy, step-by-step DC Comics hero drawing tutorial can show you how. You won't need a magical lasso. All you'll need is a pencil, pen, or marker and a sheet of paper.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Batman drawing, Spiderman drawing, and Superman drawing.

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