How to Draw Darth Vader

Learn how to draw a great looking Darth Vader with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Darth Vader.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Darth Vader

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How to Draw a Great Looking Darth Vader for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to draw darth vader step: 01

Begin by drawing a circle.

Drawing Step 2

How to draw darth vader step: 02

Extend two straight lines downward, diagonally, from each side of the circle. Connect the lines using a straight line.

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Drawing Step 3

How to draw darth vader step: 3

Draw two short, curved lines extending from near the bottom of the figure. Connect these lines using a long, curved line.

Drawing Step 4

How to draw darth vader step: 4

Erase the guide lines from the figure.

Drawing Step 5

How to draw darth vader step: 5

Draw two long, curved lines across the entire figure, forming a loose "M" shape.

Drawing Step 6

How to draw darth vader step: 6

Draw another set of curved, "M" shaped lines, above and connected to the first.

Drawing Step 7

How to draw darth vader step: 7

Use a curved line to connect each end of the "M" shaped figure to the neck.

Drawing Step 8

How to draw darth vader step: 8

Draw a long, curved line from where the "M" shape meets the original circle. Extend the line over the circle, ending at the "M" shape on the opposite side. Draw two straight lines from the top of the circle to the center of the "M" shape.

Drawing Step 9

How to draw darth vader step: 9

Erase the guide lines formed by the original circle.

Drawing Step 10

How to draw darth vader step: 10

Draw a trapezoid in the center of the face. The trapezoid will resemble an equilateral triangle with its top point removed.

Drawing Step 11

How to draw darth vader step: 11

Draw an open semicircle above the trapezoid. Extend two straight lines from the semicircle, parallel with the sides of the trapezoid. Using two straight lines, enclose an upside down triangle beneath the trapezoid.

Drawing Step 12

How to draw darth vader step: 12

Using two straight lines, enclose another triangle within the last. Draw a small circle at each of the lower corners and on top of the trapezoid.

Drawing Step 13

How to draw darth vader step: 13

Draw an irregular oval shape to form the left eye.

Drawing Step 14

How to draw darth vader step: 14

Draw another irregular shape to form a mirror image.

Drawing Step 15

How to draw darth vader step: 15

Draw a curved line in each of the irregular shapes. Draw a straight line across the bottom of the trapezoid, and several narrow rectangles extending from the top and sides of the trapezoid.

Drawing Step 16

How to draw darth vader step: 16

Enclose a narrow, curved shape beneath each eye. Then, enclose two similar shapes between the eyes.

Drawing Step 17

How to draw darth vader step: 17

Extend two curved lines from each side of the semicircle. Connect each set of lines using a straight line.

Drawing Step 18

How to draw darth vader step: 18

Draw another curved line within each set of curved lines from the previous step. Then, extend a line from the top of this enclosed shape to the side of the head. Extend another line from the bottom of the enclosed shape to the small circle below it. Finally, extend a line from the small circle to the side of the head. Be sure to repeat these steps on both sides.

Drawing Step 19

How to draw darth vader step: 19

Draw two curved lines between the lines already drawn from the top of the head. Within the shapes formed in the previous step, draw a curved triangular shape extending from each side of the head.

Drawing Step 20

How to draw darth vader step: 20

Shade your drawing of Darth Vader's mask. Typically, you will use various shades of black and gray. However, in some of the Star Wars comic books, Vader was shaded using dark blue and black to indicate that his helmet was "shiny black."

Easy, step by step Darth Vader drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Darth Vader Drawing

Since its theatrical release in 1977, the Star Wars franchise has taken the world by storm. One of its most iconic characters is the menacing Darth Vader.

Vader began as a young boy rescued from slavery on a desert planet. Trained in the mystical arts of the Jedi Knights, he was thought to be the "chosen one" who would "bring balance to the Force."

Instead, young Anakin Skywalker was seduced by the evil emperor and became a Sith Lord, using his abilities to lead the galaxy into war.

Before his death, Vader found redemption as his son Luke Skywalker helped him to embrace the light side of the Force once more.

Would you like to be able to draw the mask of Darth Vader? Now you can, by following this easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

To draw Darth Vader, you will need only a pencil and paper. You may also want to use an eraser to correct any mistakes, and colored pencils, crayons, pens, or markers to color your finished picture.

As you follow the steps in this drawing guide, you will notice that each step is accompanied by an illustration.

New lines added in each step are highlighted in blue, whereas lines from previous steps are shown in black. Sketch your lines lightly at first, as you will be erasing some of your early lines in order to complete the picture.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Goku drawing, Super Mario drawing, and Deadpool drawing.

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