Free Fall Coloring Pages for Kids - 35 Printable Sheets

What is your favorite part of the autumn or fall? You can express yourself with these free fall coloring pages for kids and adults.

Fall is a time of change. The weather is getting cooler. Shorts and sandals give way to jackets and sweaters.

Leaves turn from summery green to autumn's reds, yellows, browns, and oranges. And children leave summer vacation to return to school.

Fall is also a time for food. Many types of fruits and vegetables ripen in the fall. Some are used for holiday decorations. And many of these holidays include feasting on delicious treats.

You can capture all these nuances of autumn as you download, print, and color the pictures below. There are fall leaves, children dressed in warm clothes, back-to-school scenes, pumpkins, Jack o'lanterns, and so much more.

Love coloring? These Free Fall Coloring Pages are a great selection of guides, but don't forget to check out Free Summer Coloring pages too for even more fun and creative options!

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Online Coloring Pages for Kids

Get creative with this interactive Jack O' Lantern coloring page. Experiment with unique color combinations and see which one looks the best!

In addition to the usual printable coloring pages, we also have online coloring available for every coloring sheet in this post!

Just scroll down, and you'll find the coloring options for each coloring page.

Free Printable Fall Coloring Pages

Stepping in a Puddle and Splashing Your Friends Coloring Sheet

In many places, the advent of cool weather brings a rainy month. Add bright colors to the raincoats, rain boots, and umbrellas that are keeping these two children dry.

Umbrella Coloring Sheet

Fall weather can be rainy, cold, and unpredictable, so don't forget to bring your umbrella! Decorate this umbrella using your favorite colors. It can even match the outfit you are wearing.

Pears Coloring Sheet

Pears are a sweet, delicious fruit that ripens in fall. Different types of pears may be green, yellow, red, brown, or some combination of these colors. Add this in-season fruit to your plate today!

Rain Coloring Sheet

What is the weather? You can make a weather announcement for your classroom bulletin board. Color this grey raincloud and post it on the board when the weather is rainy.

Vegetables Coloring Sheet

Many vegetables ripen in the fall, especially root vegetables like carrots, beets, and onions. Until the first frost, you can also harvest other veggies such as tomatoes. Use bright reds, oranges, and purples to shade these yummy foods.

Wine Bottle Coloring Sheet

Grapes, which are used to make wine, also ripen in the fall. Wine can come in many colors. There is red wine, and white wine is slightly yellow in color. Another type of wine called rosé is light pink.

Maple Leaf Coloring Sheet

In autumn, green maple leaves turn bright colors - red, yellow, or orange. Eventually, they fall from the trees and fade to brown. You can color and cut out many of these fall leaves.

Fall Tree Coloring Sheet

Did you color the fall leaves, above? Those leaves had to come from somewhere. Where? A tree like this one. You can add golds, yellows, oranges, reds, and browns to all the leaves of this tree.

Wind Coloring Sheet

Autumn is often a windy season. Can you color the yellow, red, or orange leaves that the wind is blowing from this fall tree? Color the clouds a dark and stormy gray, or leave them white in a bright blue sky.

Grapes Coloring Sheet

Grapes ripen in the fall. Different types of grapes may be red, green, or purple in color. Some are such a deep purple color that they almost appear black. Harvest these grapes to add to your fall table.

Scarecrow Coloring Sheet

People aren't the only ones waiting for the fruits and veggies that ripen in the fall. Birds and other animals love to eat them, too. That is what this friendly, colorful scarecrow is for - to frighten hungry animals away.

Jack O'Lantern Coloring Sheet

You might see Jack o'lanterns carved from pumpkins on people's porches in the fall. Some have scary faces, while others have friendly faces. Pumpkins are often orange or white in color.

Acorns Coloring Sheet

Acorns are the seeds of oak trees, and they, too, ripen in the fall. Ripe acorns turn from green to brown at the same time the oak leaves take on their bright fall colors.

School Coloring Sheet

Back-to-school time coincides with the beginning of the fall season. Get ready for class by coloring this school building. Is your school made from red brick or painted some other color?

Rain Coat Coloring Sheet

Don't forget your raincoat on a rainy fall day! Raincoats are often bright red or yellow in color, but they can come in many colors. Make yours blue or pink, or even draw a fun pattern on it.

Hydrangea Flower Coloring Sheet

Some plants continue flowering in the fall. Hydrangeas come in shades of white, green, pink, blue, and purple. If left alone, the flowers will dry on the bush and become a tan color, adding interest to the garden throughout the fall and winter months.

School Books Coloring Sheet

What is your favorite subject to learn about? The books in this stack cover the subjects of math, history, science, and literature (or reading). You can collect your school books, assigning a different color to each subject.

Pinecone Coloring Sheet

Like so many of the plants in this list, the seeds of the pine tree ripen in the fall. They are stored and protected in a spiky brown pinecone. Unlike the other trees, however, pine tree leaves (called needles) do not change color and fall off. As evergreen trees, they remain green throughout the fall and winter.

Fall Scenery Coloring Sheet

Set the scene with this coloring page that combines a windy day, a tree with changing leaves, and ripe, falling fruit. What color will you make those yummy apples? Many of these fruits are green, yellow, or red.

Pumpkin Coloring Sheet

The most common colors of pumpkins are orange or a ghostly white. They can also be green, yellow, brown, reddish, or a combination of these colors.

Pie Coloring Sheet

What is your favorite flavor of pie? Chocolate and pecan pies are brown. Cherry pies are red, while blueberry pies are blue.

Fall Oak Leaves Coloring Sheet

In the fall, oak leaves are quick to turn dry and brown. They may shine brilliantly in shades of orange or yellow as the summer green slips away.

Corn Cob Coloring Sheet

Corn is usually yellow or white. 'Peaches and cream' corn has kernels in both these shades. 'Indian corn' has many different colors, including red, pink, black, and blue.

Mushroom Coloring Sheet

These aren't the tasty brown or white mushrooms that you eat. The spots on top indicate they are poisonous. Mushrooms like this often warn would-be eaters with bright red caps and white spots.

Falling Leaves Coloring Sheet

Red, yellow, orange, and brown - how many fall leaf colors can you fit into this picture? Or, you can color a green tree on a windy day.

Turkey Face Coloring Sheet

Turkeys have brown feathers with white tips. Their heads are often pink or grey. They have a red, fleshy snood on their beaks.

Squash Coloring Sheet

This is a butternut squash. This vegetable is usually a light orange or tan inside and out.

Rainy Day Coloring Sheet

There's no better way to spend a rainy day than coloring this downpour. Add some bright splashes of color to the little girl's umbrella and outfit.

Autumn Season Coloring Sheet

Grab your yellows, golds, oranges, and reds. You will need them for the piles of leaves and the fall vegetables in this picture.

Turkey Coloring Sheet

Gobble up this coloring sheet! Color turkey's brown feathers, bluish head, and red wattle. Use different shades of brown and white to ring the tail feathers.

Pumpkin Patch Coloring Sheet

Nothing says fall like a trip to the pumpkin patch. Color these pumpkins the traditional orange, or make them white, green, or striped with different colors.

Thanksgiving Card Coloring Sheet

Get out all your earth tones - you'll need lots of browns, reds, yellows, and oranges to color these fall leaves, a pumpkin, an acorn, and a golden-brown turkey.

Halloween Pumpkin Coloring Sheet

You can shade this pumpkin a traditional orange or a ghostly white. Or, get creative and make it a painted pumpkin.

Aster Coloring Sheet

Asters are daisy-like flowers. Use your favorite pastel shades for the petals. You could even make each petal a different color.

Camellia Coloring Sheet

Camellias look a lot like roses and come in similar colors. Many are red or pink with yellow centers. Others are white, yellow, or even green!

Fall Coloring Pages - Which One Was Your Favorite?

Which of the above call coloring pictures was your favorite? Did any of them recall a treasured autumn memory?

You can make more memories when you color these pages online. They are also downloadable coloring pages. You can download them and print them out. Then, bind them into a fall-themed coloring book and color them with your crayons, markers, or colored pencils.

What else can you do with these free, fun coloring sheets? You can make autumn decorations for your classroom or a party at home. Your classmates or guests will be thrilled to see the colorful symbols of fall.

Love coloring? Ready to move on from the Free Fall Coloring Pages coloring guides? Check out these Free Clothes Coloring pages for even more fun!

See a Google Web Story of this Fall Coloring Ideas Blog Post.

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