Learn how to draw a great looking Bat Outline with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Bat Outline.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Bat Outline

How to Draw a Great Looking Bat Outline for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the bat outline by sketching the animal's cute face. Draw two ovals, each with a small oval inside it.
Shade around the small ovals to form the eyes. Between the eyes, shade two small teardrop-shaped nostrils. Draw a "U" shaped smiling mouth between them.
Drawing Step 2

2. Sketch the bat's head and ears. Use curved, "V" shaped lines for each of the large ears.
Connect them with a curved line, and draw another curved line overlapping the end of each. Draw two short lines above each eye to indicate the eyebrows.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Detail each ear with a long curved line and a zigzag line. Then, begin sketching the bat's furry body. Use overlapping curved lines that meet at points.
Drawing Step 4

4. Finish the bat's body, using furry lines that meet at jagged points. Then, extend long curved lines from the base of the neck on each side. This will become the top of the bat's wings.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw an incomplete curved triangle at the end of each wing line. This is the claw on the bat's thumb. From this, extend a long curved line. Draw another curved line to meet this one at a point.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw more curved lines, each set meeting at a point until they reach the bat's body, to fully enclose the wings.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw relatively straight, jointed lines roughly parallel to the last section of the wing. This outlines the bat's rear legs. Then, use connected "U" shaped lines to enclose the bat's toes.
Add More Details to Your Bat Outline Picture - Step 8

8. Draw a long, curved line parallel to the top of each wing. Draw a "V" shaped line between the bat's legs to indicate its tail. Connect the legs and tail with curved lines.
Complete the Outline of Your Bat Outline Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw three long, curved lines across each wing to indicate the supporting finger bones. Then, draw a few small lines under the bat's chin to give it a furry texture.
Color Your Bat Outline Drawing

Your bat outline is now complete. Color your cartoon. Most bats have black, brown, or reddish fur. Some are solid white or white with black spots.
For more great cool & easy drawing tutorials, see the collection of How to Draw Cool & Easy Ideas for Beginners.
Learn More About The Bat Outline Drawing
Bats - they might seem creepy or scary, but they are actually really cool! Find out for yourself when you learn how to draw this bat outline. Bats are the only mammals - furry animals that feed their babies milk - that can fly.
As you can see in this illustration, the bat's wing is actually a modified hand, with the membranes of the wing stretched between skinny fingers.
Bats are also known for their big ears, which you can also see in this drawing. Bats use echolocation to navigate, emitting high-pitched sounds and listening to how the sounds echo back. Big ears help them do this.
Bats live in groups called colonies. Each color may have ten bats or 10,000 bats. Want to add more bats to your colony?
Check out this easy cartoon bat drawing or get up close and personal with this realistic vampire bat face drawing.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Air Jordan 1 Outline or Easy Bunny Outline Drawing tutorials.
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