Learn how to draw a great looking Bat Face with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Bat Face.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Bat Face

How to Draw a Great Looking Bat Face for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the bat face outline by drawing the snout and nose. Use overlapping curved lines for the bat’s lips. Above them, use curved lines to partially enclose two leaflike, connected teardrop shapes. Draw a curved line down the center of each shape to form the nostrils.
Drawing Step 2

2. Use a curved line to draw the lower jaw, with short lines forming a connecting layer of skin between it and the upper jaw. Then, sketch the triangular teeth. Use curved lines to texture the upper lip.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Outline the outer edge of the lower jaw using a curved line. Inside the mouth, sketch the triangular teeth, the tongue, and the lip on the far side.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw the bat’s eye. Enclose an irregular round shape with a small circle inside it. Shade between the two shapes to indicate the pupil. Around it, draw layers of curved lines, sketching the outer eye, brow, and top of the snout.
Drawing Step 5

5. Begin tracing the fur at the base of the bat head. Use curved lines of different lengths that meet at jagged points. Notice how the hair rims the lower jaw and the cheek.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the bat’s large ear. Use two long, curved lines that meet at a point.
Drawing Step 7

7. Detail within the bat’s ear. Use a long curved line, and join it to several jagged lines to indicate fur at the base of the ear. Then texture the ear with successively smaller horizontal curved lines.
Add More Details to Your Bat Face Picture - Step 8

8. Enclose the furry top of the bat head using a series of curved lines that meet at jagged points.
Complete the Outline of Your Bat Face Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your bat face outline by drawing the remaining ear. Extend two long curved lines from the side of the head and allow them to meet at a point.
Color Your Bat Face Drawing

Color your cartoon of a bat head. We’ve shaded ours black and brown, common colors for bats.
Learn More About The Bat Face Drawing
Scary or sweet? When you learn how to draw a bat face, the choice is yours.
Bats are small mammals. Just like us, they are warm-blooded, furry, and they feed milk to their young.
There are about 1,200 different species of bats in the world, and they vary widely in appearance and habits. For example, on the island of Papua New Guinea, flocks of thousands of fruit bats soar overhead in the daytime, searching for fresh fruit.
But other types of bats seem mysterious and even fearsome. Vampire bats like the one in this illustration have sharp teeth.
They are very small, no more than 3.5 inches in length. They silently approach farm or forest animals (and sometimes humans) under the cover of darkness, make a small cut with their teeth, and drink their blood.
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Yikes! Vampire bats are pretty scary. But, like every other animal and plant, they have an important role to play in the web of life.
Want to try your hand at other animals that many people fear? Get started with a black widow spider or a scaley, coiled cobra.
If this bat face outline gives you the creeps, check out this cute cartoon bat instead.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Eagle Head drawing, Lego Batman drawing, and Justice League Logo drawing.
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