How to Draw a Betta Fish

Learn how to draw a great looking Betta Fish with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Betta Fish.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Betta Fish

How to Draw a Great Looking Betta Fish for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 01

1. Begin by using long curved lines to outline the basic shape of the fish's body. Use a pair of lines that meet in a gentle upturned point to outline the face, nose, and belly. Use another line overlapping the first to form the fish's back.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 02

2. Draw the fish's eye. Use curved lines to outline the shape of the eye and eyelid. Within the eye, draw a large oval with smaller circles and ovals. Shade inside it to form the pupil. Shade a thick, dark curved line above the eye to indicate the eyebrow.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 03

3. Use a curved line to enclose a partial rounded shape on the front of the face. This is the other eye. Draw a curved line across the top to form the eyelid. Draw a small circle within the eye and shade around it to indicate the pupil. Draw a short, thick curved line above it to form the eyebrow. Then, use two overlapping curved lines to form the smiling mouth.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 04

4. Draw a pair of long wavy lines extending upward from the back. Allow them to come together at a point. This forms the betta's long, flowing dorsal fin.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 05

5. Draw a long curved line from the end of the back and from the end of the belly. This outlines the fish's tail. Draw a wavy line at the base of the tail.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 06

6. Use a long wavy line or series of lines to connect the two ends of the tail.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 0

7. Extend a pair of long, wavy lines from the fish's belly and allow them to meet at a point. This forms the fish's anal fin.

Add More Details to Your Betta Fish Picture - Step 8

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 08

8. Draw a curved vertical line across the fish's body, distinguishing the head from the body at the operculum or gill cover. Beside this, draw a curved line, and attach the two ends with a series of "U" shaped lines. This indicates the pectoral fin. Finally, extend a pair of curved lines below the head. Draw a wavy line from the body to the tip of each one, forming the pelvic fins.

Complete the Outline of Your Betta Fish Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 09

9. Texture the fins and tail with long wavy lines.

Color Your Betta Fish Drawing

How to Draw a Betta Fish Step 10

Color your betta fish. Males of this species are brightly hued in red, blue, and purple.

Get your schooling from a school of fish! Check out more cartoon animal drawing guides.

For more great Cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy and Fun Cartoons Drawing Ideas post.

Easy, step by step Betta Fish drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Betta Fish Drawing

The betta fish, also known as Betta splendens or the Siamese fighting fish, is a tropical freshwater fish from Thailand.

The betta fish come in many variations. The males have long flowing fins and bright colors; the females have short fins and often a brown coloration.

These fish have a number of fascinating behaviors and are often kept as a pet.

Because they live in slow-moving waters, bettas can breathe air from the surface. This makes them ideal for keeping in small fish bowls.

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Males are also known for their aggressive displays towards one another. They puff out their gills, spread their fins, and brighten their colors. Never put two males in the same bowl! They will fight to the death.

Would you like to draw a cartoon betta fish? This easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial is here to show you how.

All you will need is a pen, pencil, marker, or crayon and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Finding Dory drawing, Goldfish drawing, and Koi Fish drawing.

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