How to Draw a Box

Learn how to draw a great looking Box with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Box.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Box

How to Draw a Great Looking Box for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw a Box Step 01

1. Begin by using six straight lines to outline a hexagon shape. It should be an irregular hexagon, with the top and bottom points being more obtuse than the others.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw a Box Step 02

2. Draw a straight line or “V” shaped line across five of the corners. These indicate the metal pieces that hold the crate together.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw a Box Step 03

3. Draw a triangle near the top of the crate. Then, connect it to three other corners using straight lines. The crate should now be cubical in shape.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw a Box Step 04

4. Draw a straight line across three of the corners to contour them. Draw three lines within the central triangle in a starburst shape.

Draw one, two, or three small dots on each corner. These are the nails or rivets that hold the crate together.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw a Box Step 05

5. Draw a square on one side of the crate. Then, draw straight lines parallel to three sides of the crate.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw a Box Step 06

6. Give the inset square the detail of wooden planks. Draw three diagonal lines from one corner to the other, and a vertical line up one side. Then, band the square with horizontal, parallel lines.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw a Box Step 07

7. Draw a square on the near side of the crate. Draw three parallel, diagonal lines across the square. Between them, draw a small circle with a curved line across it.

Then, draw a straight, vertical line along one side of the square, and numerous horizontal lines across it.

Add More Details to Your Box Picture - Step 8

How to Draw a Box Step 08

8. Draw a diamond shape on the top side of the crate. Draw three straight lines from one corner to the other. Draw a line along one side. Then, band the shape with lines running perpendicular to it.

Complete the Outline of Your Box Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw a Box Step 09

9. Draw wavy curved lines across the boards to give them the texture of wood.

Color Your Box Drawing

How to Draw a Box Step 10

Color your cartoon crate. Since it is made of wood, brown or tan are natural colors. It could also be painted any color you could imagine!

Easy, step by step Box drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Box Drawing

Boxes or crates such as this one often appear in video games and other media. They may indicate historical timelines or contain useful items and prizes.

Sometimes, they are depicted as containing wild animals. You can learn how to draw a crate that is full of surprises!

Wooden crates have a long history. Containers have long been used for transport. Interestingly, "crates had been used for many years without a clear origin in documented history."

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Some of the earliest references in print date from the early twentieth century.

A number of merchandisers have employed the mystique of crates. The nautical Cargo Hold gift shops at Ripley's Aquariums are decorated with crates.

Some crate-shaped toys rock and shake as if something is alive inside. "Crate Creatures Surprise" toys are monsters packaged inside crate-shaped boxes.

What does your crate contain? Long-lost treasures? A ferocious tiger or an alien creature? The choice is yours. You can create your own adventure.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Treasure Chest drawing, April Fools Day Surprise drawing, and Spilt Milk drawing.

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