How to Draw a Cartoon Monster

Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Monster with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cartoon Monster.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cartoon Monster

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How to Draw a Great Looking Cartoon Monster for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 1

Begin by drawing a circle to outline the monster's head.

Drawing Step 2

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 2

Beneath the head, outline the monster's furry body. Instead of using a single line, outline the body using short, curved lines that meet each other in jagged points. This will give the monster a furry texture.

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Drawing Step 3

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 3

Erase the guide line from the bottom of the head.

Drawing Step 4

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 4

Draw an arm. Use the same technique of short, connected lines to form jagged fur.

Drawing Step 5

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 5

Repeat the process to draw an arm on the opposite side.

Drawing Step 6

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 6

Draw a hand, using large "U" shaped lines to form the fingers. Use short, jagged lines to add a furry texture to each finger.

Drawing Step 7

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 7

Repeat this process to form a mirror image on the opposite side.

Drawing Step 8

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 8

Draw a triangle at the tip of each finger to form the claws.

Drawing Step 9

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 9

Extend two curved lines from the bottom of the figure to form the leg. Outline the bottom and the top of the foot using curved lines. Then, draw the toes using overlapping "U" shaped lines and curved lines.

Drawing Step 10

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 10

Repeat this process to form a mirror image on the opposite side.

Drawing Step 11

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 11

Draw a curved triangle at the tip of each toe to form the claws.

Drawing Step 12

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 12

Draw a curved line extending from the side of the head. Enclose the shape using short, jagged lines. This forms the monster's ear.

Drawing Step 13

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 13

Repeat this process on the opposite side to form a mirror image.

Drawing Step 14

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 14

Enclose a shape within each ear using two curved lines, meeting at a point.

Drawing Step 15

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 15

Draw a horn. Extend two curved lines upward from the top of the head, allowing them to meet in a rounded point. Then, detail the horn by drawing curved lines across it.

Drawing Step 16

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 16

Repeat this process on the opposite side to form a mirror image of the horn.

Drawing Step 17

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 17

Draw a horn in the middle of the head. First, draw a rounded triangle. Erase guide lines as necessary. Draw curved lines across the horn.

Drawing Step 18

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 18

Draw a large "U" shaped line to form the mouth. Connect the ends of the line using a curved line, and embellish it with short, curved lines at the corners. Draw a curved line under the mouth to indicate the chin, and "U" shaped lines of various sizes within the mouth to form the teeth. Then, draw a curved line along the bottom of each eye, and enclose an oval shape above it. Draw each eyebrow using two curved lines.

Drawing Step 19

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 19

Draw triangles along the bottom of the mouth to form teeth, and two curved lines to indicate the tongue. In each eye, draw an oval within an oval. Then, draw two small circles inside the inner oval. Shade between the circles. Give the monster spots by enclosing irregular shapes all over his body.

Drawing Step 20

How to draw a cartoon monster Step: 20

Color your monster in any way you wish.

For more great Cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Cute Cartoons Designs post.

Easy, step by step Cartoon Monster drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Cartoon Monster Drawing

The word "monster" is derived from a Latin word roughly translated "something wrong within nature." Monsters are typically hideous, scary creatures that can cause harm to people.

Ancient mythologies hold tales of many and varied monsters. In Greek mythology, for example, the Gorgons and Medusa were women with snakes for hair, who could turn men into stone.

A giant dog with multiple heads guarded the gates to the underworld. Mermaid-like Sirens lured sailors to their deaths, while the hideous cyclops had only one eye.

It is speculated that the ideas for these monsters may have arisen from observing birth defects in humans and in animals.

In modern popular culture, monsters are at times depicted as frightful, at times as kind and helpful. This variable view of monsters is evident in such animated films and series as Aaahh!! Real Monsters (1994-1997), Monsters, Inc. (2001), and Monsters University (2013).

Would you like to draw your very own monster? Doing so is easy with the help of this simple drawing tutorial. All you will need is a pencil and a piece of paper.

You may also wish to use an eraser to correct mistakes and remove guide lines, and colored pencils, markers, paints, or crayons to color your finished drawing.

In each step of this drawing guide, new lines drawn are highlighted in blue while previous lines fade to black.

Will your monster be friendly or frightful? That is entirely up to you.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Spider drawing, Jack O Lantern drawing, and Cartoon Dragon drawing.

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