Learn how to draw a great looking Chibi Boy with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Chibi Boy.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Chibi Boy

How to Draw a Great Looking Chibi Boy for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by outlining the cheeks and chin, using a curved line.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the boy's hair. Draw the sharps locks of hair surrounding the face using pairs of curved lines that meet at points. Then, enclose the hair, sketching the top of the head. Use shorter pairs of lines, again meeting at jagged points, to texture the hair at the sides of the face, on top of the head, and at the crown.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Extend a pair of short lines beneath the head, forming the neck. Connect them using a curved line. Then, draw the boy's shirt. Extend lines outward from the base of the neck, and draw curved lines surrounding the neck of the shirt. On one shoulder, draw a rounded rectangle to form the sleeve, leaving one corner unconnected. Use curved lines to draw the front and bottom of the shirt.
Drawing Step 4

4. Extend a pair of curved lines from the sleeve, forming the arm and the sleeve of the undershirt. Connect them at the end using a curved line, and draw curved lines at the bend of the elbow. Use a curved line to complete the outline of the torso.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use long and short curved lines to outline the first of the pant legs. Draw two lines to connect the sleeve to the pants, indicating a hand inserted in the pants pocket.
Drawing Step 6

6. Extend a pair of curved lines to begin the remaining pant leg.
Drawing Step 7

7. Continue the lines to complete the pant leg, and connect them at the bottom. Notice the small bulge at the knee.
Add More Details to Your Chibi Boy Picture - Step 8

8. Draw several parallel lines across the torso to decorate the shirt. Then, enclose an irregular rounded shape beneath each pant leg, forming the feet. Band them with curved lines to give them the details of tennis shoes - the sole, toe, and laces.
Complete the Outline of Your Chibi Boy Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw the chibi boy's face. Use thick curved lines for the eyebrows, eyelids, and mouth, and a dot for the nose. Draw the eyes by drawing several smaller circles within a larger circle. Shade one of them to indicate the pupil.
Color Your Chibi Boy Drawing

Color your chibi cartoon boy. Many anime characters have natural hair colors, like black, brown, or blond. Some have unusual colors such as blue, pink or purple. Be creative!
For more great Anime drawing tutorials, see How to Draw Anime Food and 31 Easy and Fun Anime Drawing Ideas.
You can cast your own anime or manga with the help of our anime drawing tutorials. See more anime and manga drawings here.
Learn More About The Chibi Boy Drawing
Chibi is a distinctive style of Japanese cartoon art. The term itself means "to make short."
Chibi caricatures are often short in stature with large, oversized heads, consisting of up to half of the character's height. This style is also referred to as "super-deformed."
Chibi can be used in anime cartoons and manga comic books to express strong emotions in a comical way.
It is also adored by fans because it is so kawaii, or cute.
Some cartoons are produced entirely in a chibi style, and others have chibi sequences. Fans often produce chibi caricatures of their favorite characters.
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Would you like to draw an adorable chibi boy?
This easy, step-by-step anime cartoon drawing tutorial is here to show you how. All you will need is a pen, pencil, or marker and a sheet of paper.
Learn more about How to Draw an Anime Head and Face in 3/4 View or How to Draw Anime Shoes and Boots.
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