Learn how to draw a great looking Gargoyle with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Gargoyle.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Gargoyle

How to Draw a Great Looking Gargoyle for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Start with your gargoyle's face. Get creative on this step - your gargoyle's face is a big part of what gives it its unique personality. Draw the eyes, nose, mouth, and teeth, filling in lines around the eyes to accent its emotions as you see fit. Outline the forehead, front of the face, chin, and jawline, adding spikes to the chin if you like.
Drawing Step 2

2. Put some ears and horns on your monster. Close off the top of the head and add lines around the horns or on the cheekbones if necessary.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Add an arm to the left of your gargoyle head. Make sure that it's nice and muscly. Attach a hand with spiky fingertips to the bottom of the arm. Draw a horizontal, slightly curved line connecting the arm and the chin.
Drawing Step 4

4. Add the other arm with its hand coming together to meet the first hand. Make sure it gives the impression that the beast is putting its weight on its hands. You can now add the shoulders and a spiky spine hunched behind the gargoyle's head.
Drawing Step 5

5. Put a bent leg jutting out to the left and add toes at the bottom. Add a bit of abdomen with a curved vertical line from the leg to the arm.
Drawing Step 6

6. Add a bit of leg jutting out on the right, and draw the rooftop your gargoyle is perched upon. You can make this a lot easier on yourself by using a straight edge.
Drawing Step 7

7. Make a monstrous batwing that sprouts from the left side of your creature creation's back. Make sure it is terrifying. The tops should be smooth and curved while the bottoms should resemble the bottom of an umbrella or upside down ocean waves.
Add More Details to Your Gargoyle Picture - Step 8

8. Do the same thing on the right side. Make sure your wings are symmetrical, otherwise your gargoyle will constantly list to the left or the right when flying.
Complete the Outline of Your Gargoyle Drawing - Step 9

9. Make your wings come to life by adding vertical lines that run down their lengths. Try to line these up with the upside-down ocean waves at the bottom.
Color Your Gargoyle Drawing

You're done! You've successfully created a horrifying creature of the night.
For more great Man-Made cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy Man-Made cartoons Art Projects for Kids post.
Learn More About The Gargoyle Drawing
Have you ever wondered where gargoyles come from? Well - hopefully - they're not actually real creatures, rather stone figures that leer from the top of old buildings.
It's interesting to learn that these fantastical monsters were actually inspired by their statue counterparts, not the other way around.
Furthermore, these statues served a purpose: to drain water from the roofs of buildings and prevent erosion in the masonry.
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What started as a French legend evolved over the centuries into what we think of today when we hear the word "gargoyle."
Thanks to their countless appearances in pop culture like cartoons and movies, they're still a favorite monster for kids who love anything creepy.
So do you want to know how to draw a gargoyle? Luckily, it doesn't have to be that hard. Using this step-by-step tutorial, you'll be able to sketch a simple gargoyle cartoon that you'll be proud to call your own.
Just follow the instructions in this guide and you'll be drawing gargoyle cartoons in no time.
It's best to sketch out something simple with an outline and then build on your ideas from there. There's no knowing where your creativity will take you!
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cthulhu drawing, Frankensteins Monster drawing, and Cartoon Monster drawing.
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