Learn how to draw a great looking Jeep with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Jeep.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Jeep

How to Draw a Great Looking Jeep for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the Jeep outline by drawing its wheels. For each wheel, draw a circle inside a circle. Beside one wheel, enclose an irregular rectangle shape. This will become the front bumper of the Jeep.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw a trapezoid between the two wheels. From it, extend a pair of long curved lines over the front wheel and connect them at the end. This is the fender.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw an irregular rectangle shape on the outside of the rear wheel. This forms the rear bumper. Extend a pair of long curved lines from the trapezoid to the bumper, forming the fender.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use long curved lines that overlap a bit to draw the hood and cab of the Jeep. Draw another line from the front of the hood to the bottom of the cab.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw a straight line across the top of the Jeep’s cab. Then, use a series of straight lines that meet at rounded points to enclose the irregular hexagon shape of the door.
Then, enclose two rounded rectangles at the back of the Jeep. Connect them and the cab with short lines.
Drawing Step 6

6. Enclose two slanted, round-cornered rectangles for the windows. Enclose two irregular shapes at the base of the front window, forming the rearview mirror.
Drawing Step 7

7. Add more details to the Jeep. Enclose a rectangular shape on the back, forming the spare tire. Draw a straight horizontal line across the back of the cab.
Draw straight or curved lines on each side of the wheels and at the front of the Jeep, enclosing the frame and headlights.
Add More Details to Your Jeep Picture - Step 8

8. Detail the wheels and hubcaps. Draw a circle in the middle of each wheel. Around each, draw five curved lines to enclose a star shape.
Complete the Outline of Your Jeep Drawing - Step 9

9. Texture the spare tire with a series of slightly curved lines. Enclose flat, rounded shapes on the front door and within its window - the door handle and the steering wheel. Draw a straight line behind the steering wheel.
Color Your Jeep Drawing

Your cartoon Jeep outline is now complete. We’ve colored ours red and black. Jeeps come in many other colors.
Military Jeeps are green or brown camouflage. The Jeeps in Jurassic Park were red and gray with the Park logo on the door.
For more great vehicles drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy Vehicles Drawing Guides.
Learn More About The Jeep Drawing
Beep beep! If you've been looking for a Jeep, here it is! You can learn how to draw a Jeep with this easy, step-by-step vehicle drawing tutorial.
Jeeps are iconic of an outdoorsy lifestyle. They have often been used by the military as well. You can have this soldier drawing stand beside your army Jeep.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Jeeps like this one were famously used in the film Jurassic Park. Learn how to draw a velociraptor or a t-rex drawing to complete the scene.
Just remember - "Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear!"
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Cruise Ship or Cartoon School Bus Drawing tutorials.
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