49 Vehicles Drawing Ideas: Easy Step by Step Tutorials

Got somewhere to go? Get rolling with these vehicle drawing ideas.

Most of these vehicles have one thing in common - wheels. Four wheels are common. Many are vehicles you see on the road every day - family cars, fire trucks, police cars, and school buses.

Even tractors, designed for navigating uneven terrain, have four wheels - two small ones and two large ones.

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Other cars are less common - monster trucks, racecars, and sportscars, for example.

Some vehicles have only two wheels - the scooter, bicycle, dirt bike, and motorcycle, for example. Others have a lot more than two wheels. Trains can have hundreds. Tanks also have multiple road wheels around which a track circles.

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Of course, there are also vehicles that have no wheels at all. Hot air balloons consist of a basket suspended beneath a great lighter-than-air balloon. Jets and helicopters cross the skies and rockets leave the atmosphere. Where UFOs go no one is sure.

Other vehicles are designed to float on water, using rivers and oceans as a roadway. There are ancient wooden ships as well as modern ones. Some boats are designed for a single passenger, while others carry thousands. Round submarines hover below the water's surface.

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With so many fun vehicles to discover, you can send boredom on a permanent road trip!

49 Easy Vehicles Drawing Ideas

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