Learn how to draw a great looking Lion with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Lion.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Lion

How to Draw a Great Looking Lion for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the lion outline by drawing its eyes. Use curved lines to enclose the pointed shapes. Shade a small round pupil in each eye.
Use curved lines to contour between the eyes and to draw the roughly heart-shaped nose.
Drawing Step 2

2. Sketch the mouth and chin using curved lines. Notice that the chin employs a series of small “U” shaped lines, giving it a furry texture. Shade within the “Y” shaped mouth.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to outline the lion’s face and mane, including the pointed portion of the mane below the chin.
Drawing Step 4

4. Continue drawing the mane using long, overlapping curved lines. Allow a few lines to meet at jagged points.
Drawing Step 5

5. Enclose the bottom of the lion’s mane, using curved lines of various lengths that meet at jagged points. Texture the mane with curved lines.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the lion’s leg and paw. Use two long, curved lines for the sides of the leg.
At the bottom, use overlapping curved lines to indicate the toes. Then, draw a wavy line across the leg at the top of the foot.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the remaining foreleg and paw, again using long curved lines and overlapping curved lines.
Then use a curved line to draw the belly and front of the rear leg. Contour the tops of the legs with short lines.
Add More Details to Your Lion Picture - Step 8

8. Extend a long curved line from the mane to form the animal’s back, hips, and rear leg. Use short, overlapping curved lines to finish the leg and the toes.
Complete the Outline of Your Lion Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw the remaining rear leg. Use long curved lines for the sides of the leg, and overlapping curved lines for the toes.
For the tail, extend a pair of curved lines from the rear leg. Allow them to meet at a point. Then, enclose a teardrop-shaped tuft of fur around the tip of the tail, and texture it with short lines.
Color Your Lion Drawing

Your lion outline is now complete. Color your majestic character. Most male lions have sandy-brown fur and darker manes.
Some have tinges of black or red in their fur. On rare occasions, lions are even solid white!
Learn More About The Lion Drawing
You will feel like roaring with joy when you complete this lion drawing. He will fit right into a savannah scene or a clip from The Lion King.
This realistic lion is not difficult to draw, even though he includes a lot of detail.
Just look for highlighted new lines in each step-by-step illustration. You can study our finished, colored picture to learn about shading as well.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
This lion is a male. It has a long, bushy mane around its head. Baby lions and female lions lack the mane.
Lions live in family groups called prides. You can start your own pride when you learn how to draw a lioness and this baby lion drawing. You can even sketch a drawing of young Simba from The Lion King!
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