How to Draw a Mango

Learn how to draw a great looking Mango with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Mango.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Mango

How to Draw a Great Looking Mango for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw a Mango Step 01

1. Start by drawing a long curved line. This begins the outline of the fruit.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw a Mango Step 02

2. Complete the teardrop-shaped outline of the fruit using a long curved line. Then, draw a small "C" shaped line on the wide end of the fruit. This is where the stem once attached the mango to the tree.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw a Mango Step 03

3. Draw a pair of parallel curved lines from the end of the "C" shaped line, forming the mango's stem. Erase a portion of the original outline as needed.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw a Mango Step 04

4. Enclose the end of the stem using another "C" shaped line. Then, draw short curved lines across the top and bottom of the stem.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw a Mango Step 05

5. Extend a long curved line from the stem. Then, extend another long curved line from the first curved line. This begins the outline of the mango leaf.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw a Mango Step 06

6. Use a long curved line to complete the outline of the leaf. Erase the original outline of the fruit where the leaf crosses over. Then, extend a long curved line from the opposite side of the stem. This forms the stem and central vein of a second leaf.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw a Mango Step 07

7. Draw a long curved line across the leaf stem. Allow it to meet the vein on each side, outlining the leaf.

Add More Details to Your Mango Picture - Step 8

How to Draw a Mango Step 08

8. Complete the leaf tip with another curved line. This gives the leaf a three-dimensional appearance. Then, texture the leaf with short lines to indicate veins.

Complete the Outline of Your Mango Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw a Mango Step 09

9. Draw veins across the remaining leaf to indicate veins.

Color Your Mango Drawing

How to Draw a Mango Step 10

Color your cartoon mango. Mangos start out green then turn yellow, orange, or red as they ripen.

For more great Food drawing tutorials, see the 51 Best Food Drawing Tutorials post.

Easy, step by step Mango drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Mango Drawing

"Trees full of mangoes, so ripe they hang low, just one is enough, eat it and you're stuffed!" - "Trees Full of Mangos," Simba La La: World Music for Children

Mango is the name of both a tree and the fruit it produces. You can learn how to draw a mango fruit with the help of this easy, step-by-step cartoon drawing tutorial.

Mangos are native to Asia, but they are grown in tropical regions around the world, including Africa and the Americas.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

The mango tree is an evergreen just like pine and spruce trees, though it has flat leaves like a deciduous tree. Mango fruit can be small or large - the biggest can weigh up to 5 pounds!

Did you know? Mangos are described as having a spicy-sweet taste. Some people like to eat fresh mangoes sprinkled with salt, lime juice, or even hot pepper!

They are also used in salsas and other savory dishes. Mangoes are a member of the cashew family. Cashews are a popular tree nut.

The mango is also deeply symbolic. Buddha was said to have been "presented with a mango grove that he might find repose in its grateful shade."

Feeling hungry? You can learn how to draw a mango today!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Avocado drawing, Orange drawing, and Peach drawing.

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