Learn how to draw a great looking Nurse with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Nurse.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Nurse

How to Draw a Great Looking Nurse for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by sketching the nurse's face. Use an "L" shaped line for the nose. Beside it, use three curved lines to enclose the square anime-style eye. Shade a circle inside it to indicate the pupil, and draw two curved lines above it to form the eyelid and brow.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the remaining eye, again using curved lines to enclose its square shade. Shade the pupil, and draw two lines above it. Then, stack three curved lines to draw the smiling lips.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use overlapping curved lines to outline the face - the contours of the hair, temple, cheek, chin, and ear.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw the cartoon nurse's working cap. Use curved lines to enclose a four-sided shape. Within this shape, use short straight lines to outline a cross or plus shape. Then, draw curved lines on each side of the head to outline the hair.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw two short lines downward from the face to form the neck, and connect them using two additional lines. Draw "U" shaped lines on each side of the neck to form the collars of the garment. Draw a circular button between them. Extend curved lines to form the shoulders and upper arms. Finally, use curved lines that meet at points to form the upturned curls at the bottom of the hair.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use curved lines to outline the lower arm and hand. Then draw a rectangle, partially hidden by the arm, to form the clipboard.
Drawing Step 7

7. Use curved lines to outline the torso and skirt, as well as the remaining arm. Texture the fabric with short horizontal lines.
Add More Details to Your Nurse Picture - Step 8

8. Partially enclose an irregular rounded shape to form the thermometer. Band the bottom with a curved line, and draw a straight line down its length. Cross this line with numerous short lines. Then, use overlapping curved lines to sketch the nurse's thumb and finger.
Complete the Outline of Your Nurse Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw pairs of curved lines to form the legs. Then, outline the top, bottom, and heel of the shoes with "U" shaped lines.
Color Your Nurse Drawing

Color your cartoon nurse. Nurses traditionally wore white, but today they may wear colorful scrubs. Learn to draw a nurse's stethescope.
Drawing Idea: You can use this cartoon nurse to make a thank-you card for a hard-working hero in the medical profession.
For more great People drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy and Fun People Drawing Ideas post.
Learn More About The Nurse Drawing
A nurse is a medical professional who cares for the sick or injured. Though they have had many titles throughout history, skilled and educated caretakers have been documented since antiquity. Many lived in religious orders as nuns or monks.
Florence Nightingale was one of history's most famous nurses and the founder of the modern profession. She spent long nights tending wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War. Later, established a nursing school. International Nurses Day commemorates her birth on May 12 each year.
The traditional nurse uniform, similar to that pictured in this drawing guide, consisted of a dress, a pinafore apron, and a cap.
This style was developed by one of Nightingale's students, derived by the habits worn by nuns. It served to identify nurses as such.
Today, scrubs have largely replaced this uniform, but it is still standard in some countries. It also appears in animation, clearly identifying the character's role, and in many historical works, such as recruiting posters during wartime.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Would you like to learn how to draw a cartoon nurse? This easy, step-by-step cartoon drawing tutorial is here to show you how.
All you will need is a pen or pencil and a sheet of paper. You may also want to color your finished drawing.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Plague Doctor drawing, Thermometer drawing, and Stethoscope drawing.
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