Learn how to draw a great looking Pikachu with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Pikachu.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Pikachu

How to Draw a Great Looking Pikachu for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cartoon Pikachu outline by drawing Pikachu's face. Draw two circles. Then, draw an oval inside each circle and shade between them. These are Pikachu's eyes.
Drawing Step 2

2. Shade a small rounded triangle to form the nose. Then, use curved lines to sketch his "W" shaped upper lip, open mouth, and tongue within it.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to outline the sides of his face and chin. Notice that the lines do not touch.
Drawing Step 4

4. From each side of the head, extend a pair of curved lines. Allow each pair to meet at a point, forming the ears. Attach the ears with a curved line at the base.
Drawing Step 5

5. Band each ear with a curved line to denote their black tips. Enclose an oval on each cheek.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw Pikachu's arms. For each arm, use two curved lines. Connect each pair with a zigzag line to denote the fingers of the hands or paws.
Drawing Step 7

7. Extend a long curved line from the cheek to the opposite arm. This outlines and encloses Pikachu's body.
Add More Details to Your Pikachu Picture - Step 8

8. Use overlapping curved lines to sketch Pikachu's feet and toes.
Complete the Outline of Your Pikachu Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw Pikachu's tail using a series of straight lines that meet at "L" shaped angles. Notice that the sides of the tail are much closer together near the body, expanding to form a large rectangle at the tip. Connect the lines with a straight line at the end.
Color Your Pikachu Drawing

Your cartoon Pikachu outline is now complete. Color your drawing. As an electric mouse Pokémon, Pikachu is bright yellow in color. The tips of his ears are black, his mouth is pink, and the circles on his cheeks are bright red.
Learn More About The Pikachu Drawing
Pikachu, I choose you! If Pika is always on your team of six, you've come to the right place. Learn to draw him with the help of this easy, step-by-step Pikachu drawing guide.
Pikachu is a great drawing for beginners. He is mostly made from simple curved lines. You will also use straight lines to create the zigzag edges of his lightning bolt-shaped tail and circles for his eyes and rosy cheeks.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
If you enjoyed this Pokémon drawing guide, try your hand at this cute chibi Pikachu drawing. Or follow your Pokémon companion through his life cycle of Pokémon evolution with this Pichu drawing and Raichu drawing.
And you can catch 'em all with this list of Pokémon drawing tutorials.
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See a Google Web Story of this Pikachu Pokémon Drawing Tutorial.