How to Draw a Pineapple

Learn how to draw a great looking Pineapple with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Pineapple.

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Step by Step Instructions for Drawing a Pineapple

How to Draw a Great Looking Pineapple for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Pineapple Step 01

1. Begin by drawing an oval. This will form the fruit.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Pineapple Step 02

2. Stripe your pineapple with parallel curved lines.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Pineapple Step 03

3. Draw diagonal, parallel lines crossing your pineapple in the opposite direction.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Pineapple Step 04

4. Draw leaves at the top of the pineapple. For each leaf, extend two curved lines from the pineapple, allowing them to meet in a point.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Pineapple Step 05

5. Draw another leaf at the crown of the pineapple, using curved lines.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Pineapple Step 06

6. Continue drawing leaves atop the pineapple, using two curved lines for each.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Pineapple Step 07

7. Add detail and texture to the leaves. Extend a curved line down the center of each.

Add More Details to Your Pineapple Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Pineapple Step 08

8. Give the pineapple a spiky texture by drawing a small circle in each section of the checkerboard pattern.

Complete the Outline of Your Pineapple Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Pineapple Step 09

9. Continue drawing small circles until each portion of the checkerboard pattern is filled.

Color Your Pineapple Drawing

How to Draw Pineapple Step 10

10. Color your pineapple. The leaves of a pineapple are typically green. As for the fruit, unripe pineapples are green or red in color, gradually turning a golden yellow or brown.


Would you like to place your pineapple in its native tropical environment? Check out our island drawing tutorial now!

For more great Things to draw tutorials, see the 100 Cute Things to draw Designs post.

Easy, step by step Pineapple drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Pineapple Drawing

The pineapple is much more than the home of a fictional sponge in Nickelodeon's long running cartoon sitcom, Spongebob Squarepants. This modern kitchen staple is a tropical fruit native to the Americas, now cultivated all over the world.

The first written record of the pineapple was made by Christopher Columbus and his contemporaries. Unlike most fruits, the pineapple does not grow on a tree, bush, or vine. Instead, it is a type of bromeliad.

Dozens of spiky leaves protrude from the ground; after several months, the flowers coalesce into the single fruit.

Did you know? The leaves, or crown, at the top of the pineapple can be planted to produce a new fruiting plant.

This fruit is not related to pine or apple trees; from where, then, did its name originate? In old English, the pine cones of conifer trees were once called "pine apples."

Early explorers gave this name to the fruit because its spiky appearance reminded them of the pine cone.

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In colonial Europe, the pineapple was a food of the elite, as transporting it across the ocean and maintaining it in glass hothouses were expensive pursuits. As such, the pineapple came to symbolize the mysteries of the "New World," the Americas, as well as the concepts of welcome and hospitality.

As such, images of fruit became common in architecture, including decorative wood and plaster, as well as metal door knockers.

Today, the pineapple is still used as a decorative element, in art, in homes, on clothing, and on accessories. Such pineapple designs on jewelry and fabric were especially popular in the United States during the 1940s to 1960s.

It symbolizes summertime, the tropics, vacations, and relaxation. No longer a treat for only the rich, fresh and canned pineapples are consumed the world over.

Would you like to draw this tropical fruit? Doing so is easy and fun with the help of this simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial.

All you will need is a pencil and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to use colored pencils, crayons, markers, or other implements to color your finished drawing. Each step combines detailed illustrations with explanatory text.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Apple drawing, Tulip drawing, and Lily drawing.

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