Learn how to draw a great looking Sacred Heart with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Sacred Heart.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Sacred Heart

How to Draw a Great Looking Sacred Heart for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Start with a large heart shape that takes up the bottom half of the page. Draw a cross on top of the heart.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw a squiggly line in front of the heart, then add another squiggly line underneath to make a shape that looks like a snake. Make sure the shape overlaps the heart.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Repeat this process with another snake shape that weaves in and out like a ribbon.
Drawing Step 4

4. Add a third shape that weaves between the first two shapes. Make sure that it overlaps one shape and slides under the other to create a "woven" appearance.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use triangles to sketch thorns on the shapes. Don't worry about making them perfectly spaced or even.
Drawing Step 6

6. Sketch more thorns to complete the wreath. Make sure the thorns don't overlap each other.
Drawing Step 7

7. Starting on the right, sketch curved lines that end in a point and trail downward, then curve upward again to make flames. Draw the flames in a loose, expressive manner.
Add More Details to Your Sacred Heart Picture - Step 8

8. Repeat the last step to complete the flames. Use more curved lines to draw loose, uneven shapes around the flaming cross. Sketch an elongated shape near the bottom of the heart.
Complete the Outline of Your Sacred Heart Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw raindrops around the bottom of the heart. For added realism, draw two ovals and connect them to the heart with curved lines to make "dripping" shapes.
Color Your Sacred Heart Drawing

Outline your cartoon sacred heart with a black pen, marker or colored pencil.
Use reddish-pink to color your cartoon sacred heart, with darker shades for the shadows and orangish-pink for the firelight at the top.
Color the thorns with light brown. Make the cross golden yellow with orange flames in the background.
For more great Heart drawing tutorials, see the 36 Easy Heart Drawing Tutorials post.
Learn More About The Sacred Heart Drawing
The design varies, but a Sacred Heart drawing typically features a heart with a cross and crown of thorns with a fire crackling in the background.
The Sacred Heart is a symbol that frequently appears in the Catholic faith. Catholics believe that the Sacred Heart represents God's love for humanity.
While the Sacred Heart often appears in classic paintings, you can draw a cartoon Sacred Heart at home that doesn't have to be photorealistic.
Sketch the Heart with a pencil, not a pen--you'll have to erase extra lines when you draw overlapping shapes. Afterward, outline your Sacred Heart with a pen or marker before coloring the drawing.
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When you're done, use paint, colored pencils, markers, gel pens, or oil pastels to color the outline.
You could also leave the drawing black and white and shade the heart with crosshatching techniques.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cute Heart Smiley Face drawing, Heart Pixel Art drawing, and Heart Tree drawing.
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