Learn how to draw a great looking School with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect School.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a School

How to Draw a Great Looking School for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing a long, narrow rectangle. Use two long, parallel horizontal lines and two short vertical lines. This shape forms the foundation of the building.
Drawing Step 2

2. Enclose another rectangle atop the narrow rectangle. Draw a long, straight line parallel to the rectangle, and connect the shapes using two straight, vertical lines. This forms the front wall of the building.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Enclose a trapezoid just above the top of the wall. Then, connect the lower corners of the trapezoid to the upper corners of the wall. This forms the roof of the school.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw a narrow, horizontal rectangle overlapping the eaves of the roof. This will form the bottom of the overhang. From the overhang, extend four sets of straight, vertical, parallel lines downward. The middle sets of lines should extend to the bottom of the school, and the outer sets to just beyond its foundation. Then, enclose each set of lines by drawing a small rectangle. These lines form the columns that support the overhang.
Drawing Step 5

5. Erase the guide lines from the overhang.
Drawing Step 6

6. Enclose a rectangle atop the overhang, with a smaller rectangle inside it. Then, enclose a large triangle above the rectangles, and draw a smaller triangle inside it. This completes the roof of the overhang. Erase guide lines as necessary.
Drawing Step 7

7. Enclose a rectangle extending upward from the foundation, between the columns. Then, draw two narrowly spaced, vertical, parallel lines down the middle of the rectangle. This forms the doors of the school. Draw a narrow, horizontal rectangle on top of the door. Next, draw the school's many windows. For each window, use three lines to enclose a square shape, leaving the top open. Enclose the top using a curved line, creating an arched window. Draw a double set of perpendicular lines through each window.
Add More Details to Your School Picture - Step 8

8. Draw a clock within the triangular top of the overhang. Begin by drawing a circle, with a "V" shaped line within it to indicate the clock's hands. Then, write the word "SCHOOL" across the front of the overhang.
Complete the Outline of Your School Drawing - Step 9

9. Detail the roof with horizontal straight lines. Draw a horizontal line just above the roof, and connect it to the corners of the roof using short lines. Draw horizontal lines extending from each side of the school to indicate the horizon, and a pair of divergent diagonal lines to create a path leading to the school's front door.
Color Your School Drawing

10. Color your school. In our example, we've made it yellow with a brown roof. You could make your school red brick, white painted wood, or any other color you'd like.
For more great Back to School drawing tutorials, see the 39 Back to School Drawing Ideas for Kids post.
Learn More About The School Drawing
Today, the image of a schoolhouse is iconic of education itself. The concept of schools - formal groupings of students - existed as far back as ancient Greece, China, and Rome.
Before school attendance became compulsory, as it is in most parts of the world today, children were educated by their parents, or they were taught a trade as an apprentice.
The earliest schools were designed to teach specific career paths, such as military or clergy service. Universities were established for further learning.
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By the 1700s, obligatory or compulsory school attendance became common across Europe and North America. During the 1900s, the introduction of school buses made it easier for all children to attend school.
Schools such as the one in our tutorial can be recognized around the world.
Would you like to draw a stately school? This easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial is here to help. All you will need is a pencil, a sheet of paper, and an eraser. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: School Bus drawing, Graduation Cap drawing, and Anime School Girl drawing.
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