Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Dog with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Dog.
Easy Dog Drawing: Simple Step by Step Reference Instructions

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Dog for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin your easy dog outline by drawing the animal's head. Draw a slightly curved horizontal line. This will be the top of the head.
From one end of the horizontal line, draw a large "U" shaped line, and connect it to the opposite end of the horizontal line. This encloses the shape of the dog's head.
Drawing Step 2

2. Begin to detail the dog's face. Draw small curved triangles for the eyebrows. For the eyes, draw a nearly straight line at the bottom and a curved line for the outer sides and tops of the eyes.
Enclose a partial oval to form the pupil in each eye.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw an inverted triangle to form the dog's nose. Then draw a wide, rounded "W" beneath it. This will represent the mouth. Connect the nose and mouth with a straight vertical line.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw two partial triangles, one on each side of the head. These are the dog's ears. Notice that the uppermost point of the ears is rounded. Then use a long curved line to enclose the shape of the collar below the dog's head.
Drawing Step 5

5. Next, outline the dog's body. Use two long curved lines to trace the sides of the body. Then draw a short curved line in the center of the dog's chest.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw two long, curved, parallel lines across the body to form the leg. Let one line double back upon itself in a loose spiral shape at the bottom. This encloses the foot or paw. Detail the toes with short curved lines.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the remaining foreleg of the sitting dog. Again, draw two long, curved, parallel lines across the body to form the leg. Let one line double back upon itself in a loose spiral shape at the bottom. This encloses the foot or paw. Detail the toes with short curved lines.
Add More Details to Your Easy Dog Picture - Step 8

8. Draw the sitting dog's rear leg. Use a curved line for the leg and another for the paw. Detail the toes with short curved lines. Then, draw a curved line between the forelegs.
Complete the Outline of Your Easy Dog Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your easy dog outline by drawing the remaining leg and tail. Again, use a curved line for the leg and another for the paw. Detail the toes with short curved lines.
Extend two curved lines from the leg and side to form the tail. The lines should meet at a sharp point.
Color Your Easy Dog Drawing

Color your cute cartoon dog. We've shaded our illustration in brown, a common color for dogs. Some dogs are spotted or have a unique pattern known as brindle.
Others have lighter bellies or a "mask" on their faces.
For more easy dog drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy Dog Drawings.
For all dog and canine drawings, see the Learn the Art of Drawing Cute Dogs with Easy Step-by-Step Guides page.
Learn More About The Easy Dog Drawing
Let's draw a dog together using this easy step-by-step tutorial.
It's fast, simple, and fun! In just a few simple steps, you'll learn how to draw an easy dog.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
If your children are into drawing, they'll certainly love this one.
While the tutorial is simple it is also suitable for adults learning to draw.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Rottweiler or Husky Face Drawing tutorials.
See also, How to Draw a Puppy for Kids.
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