A beginner-friendly guide to learning how to draw a great-looking Anime Boy Body with easy, step by step drawing instructions and video tutorial. Great for beginner artists!

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Have you ever watched a movie or anime cartoon or read a manga comic that didn't have at least one kid in it? Including children in these stories makes them more relatable and authentic.
You can start adding children to your drawings with the help of this easy, step-by-step anime child body drawing tutorial.
How do anime children differ from anime adults? As you complete the child body sketch, you will notice distinct differences in body proportions and shape.
One of the main differences between adult body templates and the anime child body outline is the relative height.
In most cases, anime boys are a head shorter than adult female characters and just over half the height of adult male characters.
The anime boy body base is also less curvy than his adult counterparts. The body is somewhat rectangular in shape, with the shoulders and hips being approximately the same width. (Learn more about anime character proportions in this post.)
Now, let's learn to draw the anime kid body template.
Step-by-Step Tutorial for Drawing an Anime Boy Body

Anime Boy Body drawing - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing a guideline grid using straight vertical and horizontal lines. The grid should consist of 10 squares of equal size.
Anime Boy Body drawing - Step 2

2. Draw an additional horizontal guideline across the second and third set of squares from the top. For the head, draw a circle across the central vertical line, taking up the upper 2/3 of its grid.
Drawing an egg shape within the next set of squares. Enclose a circle inside it, below the auxiliary midline of the square. Above the midline, draw two circles for the shoulders, attached to the egg shape.
In the third set of squares, draw two attached ovals above the midline. Extend two short lines on each side towards the midline, drawing a circle at the midline and further extending another set of parallel lines. The line should end in circles near the bottom of the fourth set of squares.
Anime Boy Body drawing - Step 3

3. Begin adding detail to your drawing. Erase the bottom half of the head guideline, replacing it with curved lines to outline the round face and ears. Use additional curved lines to sketch the neck, shoulders, arms, and torso, as well as the details of the collarbones.
Anime Boy Body drawing - Step 4

4. Extend the lines of the arms and use pairs of lines to sketch the outline of the legs. Use curved lines to detail the boy's chest, abdominal muscles, and undergarment. Erase guidelines as you go along.
Anime Boy Body drawing - Step 5

5. Erase the remaining guidelines from the legs and use overlapping curved lines to draw the hands and feet. Contour the knees and leg muscles using additional curved lines.
Anime Boy Body drawing - Step 6

6. Bring your anime child to life! Learn more about drawing little anime boys like this one.
What to draw next?
Remember the anime punching pose drawing we did in another lesson? What about the running pose drawing? You can give this character a flashback to the past by drawing him as a young anime boy instead.
Can you apply all the skills from these tutorials to a single drawing? What steps would you change to give the character a shorter stature and a rectangular torso?
Would you like to draw an Old Man in Anime Style, Adult Female Face, or Easy Anime Elf for some additional drawing practice?
For many, many more anime drawing guides, see this page with all our anime and manga style drawings.
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