Learn how to draw a great looking Astronaut Helmet with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Astronaut Helmet.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Astronaut Helmet

How to Draw a Great Looking Astronaut Helmet for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Use curved lines to enclose a rounded triangular shape like one-fourth of a circle. This is the visor or clear faceplate of the helmet. It is often plated in gold to reduce glare from the sun.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the opaque helmet shield. First, draw a long curved line from one corner of the triangle shape to the other.
Draw a short straight line between the line and the point of the triangle; draw a curved line across the same point. Then, draw another long curved line to outline the shape of the helmet.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Detail the helmet. Draw reflections on the visor's surface using curved lines. Then, draw a small microphone or communicator in the corner.
Use curved lines to draw the irregular shape, then connect it to the quarter-circle with a pair of straight lines.
Drawing Step 4

4. Next, draw the neck ring, which ensures that the helmet seals to the suit so the air won't escape. Enclose the ring using a long curved line. Then, band it with pairs of short curved lines.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw a long curved line across the back of the helmet, and three small circles near the visor.
Drawing Step 6

6. Enclose a partial oval on top of the visor. Draw a curved line across this shape. Connect its top to the helmet with a straight line.
Drawing Step 7

7. Detail the helmet further, erasing as necessary. Extend a curved line from the back of the helmet and double it back upon itself.
Then, extend two curved lines upward from this shape and double each one back upon itself. Band one shape with short lines and sketch a small circle on top of it.
Add More Details to Your Astronaut Helmet Picture - Step 8

8. Draw an air hose, erasing as necessary. Extend a pair of curved lines from the back of the helmet to just below the visor. Connect the lines at the end, and draw a small oval around it.
Complete the Outline of Your Astronaut Helmet Drawing - Step 9

9. Band the air hose with curved lines.
Color Your Astronaut Helmet Drawing

Color your cartoon astronaut helmet. Spacesuits are often white or grey. The visor is usually yellow in color, shielded with a thin layer of gold.
For more great Man-Made cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy Man-Made cartoons Drawing Tutorials post.
Learn More About The Astronaut Helmet Drawing
Would you like to draw an astronaut? You can use this easy drawing tutorial to learn how to draw an astronaut helmet.
Astronauts in spacesuits have become an indelible part of our popular culture. The spacesuits were first invented during the mid-1900s when NASA and other organizations began missions to space. They were based on suits used in deep-sea diving.
Astronauts feature in cartoons and movies, both fictional and documentary. Many artists and photographers like to place images of astronauts in unexpected places.
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One example of this can be found in the film Everything, Everything. The story's heroine always places a tiny astronaut in the architectural models she makes for school.
Why do astronauts wear spacesuits? These garments protect astronauts from the temperature extremes and airless environment of outer space.
They have enabled humans to walk on the moon and conduct spacewalks outside the International Space Station and rocket ships.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Astronaut drawing, Rocket Ship drawing, and Space and Planets drawing.
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