How to Draw an Easy Mother and Son

Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Mother and Son with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Mother and Son.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Easy Mother and Son

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Mother and Son for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 1

1. Begin the easy mother and son outline by sketching the face of the cartoon mom. Used curved lines to sketch the rectangular eyes.

Inside each eye, shade an oval to indicate the pupils. Use curved lines to draw the eyelids, nose, and smiling mouth.

Drawing Step 2

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 2

2. Outline the mom's hair and face using long curved lines. Notice how the hairline extends beyond the side of the face.

Detail the inside of the ear with short curved lines, and draw a teardrop-shaped earring on the earlobe. Draw curved lines above the eyes to indicate the eyebrows.

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Drawing Step 3

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 3

3. Use a pair of curved lines to indicate the mom's neck, and another to continue drawing her hair. Then, begin sketching the cartoon boy.

Use curved lines to trace his rounded triangular eyes. Shade an oval inside each eye to form the pupils. Draw the nose using a short curved line.

Drawing Step 4

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 4

4. Outline the boy's face, noting the curves of the cheek, chin, and ear. Use curved lines for the brows.

Then, sketch the open, smiling mouth. Use curved lines to outline the top and bottom of the mouth, the teeth, the tongue, and the dimple at the corner.

Drawing Step 5

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 5

5. Draw the boy's hair using a series of long and short curved lines. Extend a pair of lines below the head to form the neck, and connect them at the bottom.

From the base of the neck, extend another line to begin the shoulder.

Drawing Step 6

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 6

6. Draw a wide "U" shaped line to indicate the neck of the mother's garment. Use a curved line for the sleeve of the boy's shirt and a pair of lines for the arm.

Then, use overlapping curved and "U" shaped lines to enclose the fingers and thumb.

Drawing Step 7

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 7

7. Use curved lines to outline the mother's torso, sleeves, arm, and fingers. Their arms are wrapped around one another in a hug.

Finish enclosing her hair, noting the "V" shaped line that adds texture to her hairdo.

Add More Details to Your Easy Mother and Son Picture - Step 8

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 8

8. Complete the mom's hand and draw her remaining hand on the boy's shoulder. Use "U" shaped lines and overlapping curved lines for the fingers.

Complete the Outline of Your Easy Mother and Son Drawing - Step 9

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 9

9. Complete your easy mother and son outline by finishing the clothing. Use curved lines to outline the backs and bottoms of the shirts, as well as the sides of the pants.

Color Your Easy Mother and Son Drawing

Easy Mother and Son step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Color your cartoon of a mother and son.

Easy, step by step Easy Mother and Son drawing tutorial
How to Draw an Easy Mother and Son Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Easy Mother and Son Drawing

An easy mother and son drawing is a nice art project that lets you express love for your family while practicing your drawing skills.

With the aid of this easy, step-by-step cartoon portrait drawing tutorial, you will soon master the easy mother and son outline.

Paintings of mothers and their children, especially mothers and sons, go back millennia. Many of these seek to memorialize the wonderful relationship a mother enjoys with her children.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

Much mother and son artwork also holds a religious connotation. Some of the oldest depictions of mothers and sons are statues of the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis and her son Horus.

Centuries later, artists of the Christian faith based their paintings of Mary and the Christ child on these statues.

How can you use this lovely family drawing guide? You could make mom a card, whether it is Mother's Day or any day of the year.

If you are feeling especially ambitious, you could even make an entire picture book to show her you are thankful for everything she does!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Virgin Mary drawing, Postman drawing, and Mother Hugging a Daughter drawing.

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