Learn how to draw a great looking Icicle with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Icicle.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Icicle

How to Draw a Great Looking Icicle for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cartoon icicle outline by drawing a series of connected curved lines. This begins the top or base of the cluster of icicles.
Drawing Step 2

2. Continue to draw a series of connected curved lines of different lengths. At the end, double the lines back above the others.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Continue to draw long and short curved lines, continuing the cloudlike shape.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use more curved lines to finish enclosing the cloudlike shape. Then, draw a long and short connected curved line below the base.
From the larger of these lines, draw a long wavy line to form the side of the first icicle.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw another long curved line, creating a partial triangle shape with the previous line. This is the first of the icicles. Then draw a wavy "V" shaped line to begin the second icicle.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw two more wavy "V" shaped lines to form more icicles. Notice that the larger of the icicles overlaps with the smaller second icicle.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw a curved line intersecting with the end of the "V" shaped line, elongating the side of the icicle. Then, use a wavy "V" shaped line to enclose another, smaller icicle.
Add More Details to Your Icicle Picture - Step 8

8. Use curved lines to contour the icicles and to enclose another partial icicle, filling the open space.
Complete the Outline of Your Icicle Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw several small ovals and teardrop shapes below the icicles. This indicates dripping water as they begin to melt in the sun.
Color Your Icicle Drawing

Your cartoon icicle outline is now complete. Color your drawing. Typically, icicles are white and light blue in color.
You can use markers or crayons, but colored pencils will allow you to shade with the softest and most realistic colors.
For more great winter drawing tutorials, see the collection of Cute Winter Drawing Ideas..
Learn More About The Icicle Drawing
Brrr! Set a color, snowy scene with this icicle drawing. You can create your own snow day when you complete this easy, step-by-step drawing guide.
Icicles are easy to draw. They are basically upside-down triangles. Icicles form this way as water drips down from a surface and freezes on a cold winter day. Icicles resemble the rocky stalactites that form inside a cave.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
What can you do with these icicles? You could create a cavernous hideaway for this mythical ice dragon drawing. Or you could add some icicles to the eaves of the house in this winter scenery drawing.
You could even capture the fantastical ice powers of a princess when you learn how to draw Elsa from Frozen!
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Cartoon Snowflake or Easy Cartoon Reindeer Drawing tutorials.
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