Learn how to draw a great looking Elsa from Frozen with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Elsa from Frozen.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Elsa from Frozen

How to Draw a Great Looking Elsa from Frozen for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cartoon Elsa outline by drawing her eyes. Use thick curved lines to outline the shape of the eyes. Draw three successively smaller circles inside them. Shade between the two smallest circles to indicate the pupil. Use short curved lines to draw the eyelashes.
Drawing Step 2

2. Contour the eyelids with curved lines, and use short curved lines to draw the tip of the nose and nostril. Outline the pointed shapes of the eyebrows and shade them.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use a long curved line to outline Elsa's face. Then draw the mouth, creases at the corners, and contour of the bottom lip using curved lines.
Drawing Step 4

4. Begin sketching Elsa's hair. Use pairs of curved lines that meet at sharp points. Then, use curved lines to trace and contour the ear.
Drawing Step 5

5. Continue to sketch the hair. On this side, let the strands end in blunt, rounded points.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw overlapping curved lines between the existing strands, completing the shape of her head. Then, extend two curved lines below the head to draw the neck. If you think the neck looks too long and curvy, it is because these lines also outline the collar of the jacket.
Drawing Step 7

7. Next, begin to draw her braid using overlapping curved lines between the ear and neck. Also, use curved lines to trace the collar and shoulder of the jacket.
Add More Details to Your Elsa from Frozen Picture - Step 8

8. Complete the braid using overlapping curved lines to form the connected, double-pointed segments. Then, draw the "L" shape of the remaining shoulder.
Complete the Outline of Your Elsa from Frozen Drawing - Step 9

9. Use curved lines to texture Elsa's hair, contour her collar bones, and indicate the top of her blouse and the blush on her cheeks.
Color Your Elsa from Frozen Drawing

Your cartoon outline of Elsa from Frozen is now complete. Color her blonde hair, blue eyes, and pink lips. Customize the colors of her outfit - she likes to wear blue and white.
Learn More About The Elsa from Frozen Drawing
Do you feel like you need to let it go? Elsa can help - she has a lot of experience. You can learn how to draw Elsa from Frozen with the help of this easy, step-by-step Disney princess drawing tutorial.
Elsa is the Snow Queen, possessing the power to create and control ice and snow.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
In this illustration, Elsa wears a determined look. She also wears braided hair which is traditional in her part of the world.
If you enjoyed this Elsa tutorial, you can reunite her with the rest of the residents of Arendelle. First, draw Elsa's sister Anna. Do you want to build a snowman? You can draw Olaf, too.
Elsa from Frozen Drawing Tutorial - Easy & Fun Printable Pages
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