How to Draw Cat Eyes

Learn how to draw a great looking Cat Eyes with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cat Eyes.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Cat Eyes

How to Draw a Great Looking Cat Eyes for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 01

1. Begin by sketching the first eye. First, draw a half circle. Draw a curved line across the top of it. Connect one end of the curved line to the circle using a short line, enclosing the pointed inner corner of the eye. Draw a few small lines at the opposite corner. Next, draw two curved lines within the eye, enclosing a curved triangular shape. This form's the cat's pupil. Finally, draw a small oval within the pupil.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 02

2. Draw the second eye. Use two curved lines to sketch the outside of the eye, and texture the lid with short lines. Then, use two curved lines to enclose the triangular shape of the pupil within the eye. Draw a small oval within the pupil.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 03

3. Sketch the cat's nose. Use curved lines to outline a rounded "V" shape. Extend the nose upwards using short lines on one side of the nose. Shade small ovals on the undersides of the "V," forming the nostrils. Draw a curved line upwards from the bottom of the "V."

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 04

4. Texture and contour the nose and forehead. Use a series of curved lines to craft each line. The lines should have a furry texture. Outline the sides of the nose. Continue the nose between the eyes and up onto the forehead.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 05

5. Draw short lines on each side of the nose. Draw two overlapping "U" shaped lines beneath the nose, forming the mouth. Draw another small line beneath them, enclosing a small, rounded triangle. Shade a small dot at each corner of the mouth.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 06

6. Use curved lines to shade a furry spot around one eye. Draw a curved line from one side of the mouth to the other, outlining the chin. Then, use short lines that meet in jagged points to sketch the cat's cheeks.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 07

7. Continue to enclose the cat's head, using a series of short lines that meet in jagged points. Don't forget the triangular shapes of the ears.

Add More Details to Your Cat Eyes Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 08

8. Detail the ears by drawing curved triangles inside each. Use a series of short lines that meet in jagged points to sketch the furry base of the ear. Then, enclose a curved shape above each eye, indicating eyebrows.

Complete the Outline of Your Cat Eyes Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 09

9. Finish detailing the cat's face. Use curved lines that meet in sharp points to enclose stripes on each side of the face. Shade dots on the upper lips, and extend long lines to form the whiskers.

Color Your Cat Eyes Drawing

How to Draw Cat Eyes Step 10

Color your cat.

You find plenty more feline drawing guides among our selection of animal drawing guides.

For more great Things to draw tutorials, see the 100 Easy and Fun Things to draw Ideas post.

Easy, step by step Cat Eyes drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Cat Eyes Drawing

"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language."
- Martin Buber, philosopher

The cat has been a beloved fixture in human life since antiquity. The ancient Egyptians worshiped temple cats, even mummifying some. In other cultures, cats were used to control rodent pests. Today, cats are most often house pets.

Did you know? In 2001, the cat became the world's first cloned pet. Her name was CC, short for "Copy Cat."

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The term "cat eyes" has entered popular culture as more than just the cat's means of sight. Glasses that are pointed on the sides are referred to as "cat eyes," as is a specific style of makeup that utilizes pointed eyeliner. Both of these styles attempt to imitate the slanted shape of the cat's penetrating eyes.

Would you like to draw a realistic cat's face? This simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial can show you how. All you will need is a pencil, pen, or marker and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished cat.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Kitten drawing, Pug drawing, and Cat Face drawing.

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