Learn how to draw a great looking Jack Skellington from the Nightmare before Christmas with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Jack Skellington from the Nightmare before Christmas.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Jack Skellington from the Nightmare before Christmas

How to Draw a Great Looking Jack Skellington from the Nightmare before Christmas for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Start with a large semicircle near the top of the page, then sketch a flatter curved line at the bottom of this shape. Draw two ovals inside this shape, and add curved lines for depth. Make a wavy line near the bottom for the mouth.
Drawing Step 2

2. Sketch lines across the mouth, and draw two teardrop shapes for the nose. Make two straight lines to form the neck.
On the right, draw a stretched-out triangle like a blade of grass. For the fox head, start with two triangles with a straight line between them, then make a partial heart shape underneath.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw two small eyes inside the fox head. Repeat the elongated triangle shapes on either side of the neck, then make a straight line pointing downward.
Drawing Step 4

4. Add a parallel straight line, then draw two more straight parallel lines to form the arm. Complete this shape with a curved line at the end.
Draw another curve to start the hand. Sketch a lightly curved line on the left side, then repeat this process on the right and draw two more parallel lines.
Drawing Step 5

5. Attach two more straight lines to the right arm, and connect them with a curved line. Use shorter straight lines to form the right hand.
For the fingers on the left hand, make elongated noodle shapes that end in a point at the end. Make sure they overlap.
Drawing Step 6

6. Repeat the same process for the fingers on the left hand. Use a combination of straight and lightly curved lines. Add curved lines to the fingers on the left to indicate the finger joints.
Drawing Step 7

7. Add curved lines on the right hand, then draw a loose triangle in the center of the body. Frame either side of this shape with two more triangles. Afterward, draw a curve on the right shoulder.
Add More Details to Your Jack Skellington from the Nightmare before Christmas Picture - Step 8

8. Fill in the left arm and flaps on the jacket with straight lines. Draw a circle for the button, then make loose triangle shapes to complete the body. Sketch two more lines that trail off the bottom of the page.
Complete the Outline of Your Jack Skellington from the Nightmare before Christmas Drawing - Step 9

9. Fill in the rest of the outfit with more straight lines.
Color Your Jack Skellington from the Nightmare before Christmas Drawing

Outline the entire drawing with a black marker or pen except for the lines on the jacket. Erase the extra pencil lines on the page.
To color your cartoon Jack Skellington, use black for the eyes and clothing. Color around the lines on the jacket to make white stripes, or use a white gel pen over the black.
For more great Thanksgiving and Fall drawing tutorials, see the 27 Easy to Draw Thanksgiving and Fall Drawing Tutorials post.

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Learn More About The Jack Skellington from the Nightmare before Christmas Drawing
"The Nightmare Before Christmas" is a famous movie from the 90s directed by Henry Selick and created by Tim Burton. This cartoon is made with stop-motion animation, which uses clay figures and landscapes shot at thousands of frames to animate the characters.
Due to the storyline, music and beloved characters, "The Nightmare Before Christmas" is one of the most famous animated movies of all time.
The movie centers around Jack Skellington, who tries to bring the Christmas holiday to Halloween Town.
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Other characters include his girlfriend Sally and a dog named Zero. "The Nightmare Before Christmas" has a spooky atmosphere that's popular with children and adults alike.
With this guide, you can draw your own cartoon Jack Skellington at home. Coloring your drawing is easy--all you need is a few shades of black. Follow these simple steps with a pencil, then grab a pen, marker or black colored pencil for the outline when you're done.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Jack O Lantern drawing, Scary Clown drawing, and Chucky drawing.
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