Learn how to draw a great looking Jesus' Face with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Jesus' Face.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Jesus' Face

How to Draw a Great Looking Jesus' Face for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the Jesus’ face outline by drawing the almond-shaped eyes. Use two lines to sketch each eye, pointed in the corners.
Then, draw two partial circle shapes inside each eye. Shade the smaller ones to indicate the pupils. Next, draw a curved line above each eye to form the eyelid.
Drawing Step 2

2. Use curved lines to draw the bushy eyebrows, the furrow between them, the bridge of the nose, its nostrils, and its tip.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to sketch the lips. Then, use a series of connected lines of different lengths to sketch the texture of the beard. Allow the lines to meet at points.
Drawing Step 4

Drawing Step 5

5. Draw the top of the beard along the cheeks, again using a series of short curved lines. Texture the length of the beard with additional lines. Then, draw long, sweeping lines in an "M" shape above the head. From the center of the "M," draw additional lines to the legs of the "M." These lines form the hairline.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use long curved lines to continue drawing the hair. Notice how the lines overlap, giving the hair volume. Sketch the ears between the hair and the face, and contour the cheeks with overlapping lines.
Drawing Step 7

7. Continue to draw overlapping curved lines, making the hair long. At the bottom, allow lines to meet, forming pointed locks.
Add More Details to Your Jesus' Face Picture - Step 8

8. Finish enclosing the hair, using lines that meet at points to form the locks. Use additional curved lines to texture the part in the hair, draw and contour the neck, and form the garments.
Complete the Outline of Your Jesus' Face Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your Jesus face outline by texturing the hair and clothing using curved lines.
Color Your Jesus' Face Drawing

Color your cartoon of Jesus’ face.
Learn More About The Jesus' Face Drawing
Jesus is a revered leader in the Christian religion. Many people have a picture of him in their homes. You can learn how to draw Jesus’ face - or at least one version of what he might have looked like.
Jesus was born about 2,000 years ago. His mother was the virgin Mary. According to Christian teachings, he was the Son of God, sent to the Earth to teach people and die as a ransom for their sins.
Interestingly, even people who do not believe this about Jesus admit that he was a masterful teacher who had a lasting effect on humanity. In fact, he is considered to be one of the three most influential people in history.
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What did Jesus really look like? The truth is, no one really knows. The Bible - the primary source of information on Jesus' life - does not contain a description of his appearance.
Likely, he resembled other people from where he lived and of Jewish descent - tan skin, dark hair, dark eyes, and a beard.
This cartoon shows Jesus as he is depicted in many Medieval European paintings. But even those artists hadn't seen Jesus.
They lived hundreds of years after his life and death.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Church drawing, Jesus on the Cross drawing, and Easy Step-by-Step Cross drawing.
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