Learn how to draw a great looking Naruto with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Naruto.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Naruto

How to Draw a Great Looking Naruto for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Begin by drawing a large circle. This will form Naruto's face.
Drawing Step 2

Beneath the circle, continue outlining the face by enclosing a shape using a curved line.
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Drawing Step 3

Erase the guide line formed by the original circle.
Drawing Step 4

Draw a curved line across the top of the face. Draw two short lines connecting the long line to the sides of the face.
Drawing Step 5

Erase the guide lines formed by the original circle.
Drawing Step 6

Enclose Naruto's headband above the face using a long, curved line. Allow the line to take on a wavy appearance at the sides to indicate ripples in the cloth.
Drawing Step 7

Draw Naruto's ears by enclosing elongated, roughly oval shapes on each side of the head.
Drawing Step 8

Detail the ears using a series of connected, curved lines. Draw eyebrows extending from below the headband. Each eyebrow consists of two curved lines meeting at a point.
Drawing Step 9

Draw Naruto's eye. Begin by drawing two curved lines beneath the eyebrow. On one side, allow the lines to meet in a point; on the other, connect them with a short, straight line. Shade the enclosed shape. Draw a circle beneath this, with two smaller circles within. Shade the small circle in the center. Finally, draw a curved line beneath the eye.
Drawing Step 10

Repeat this process on the opposite side to form a mirror image.
Drawing Step 11

Draw three curved lines crossing each cheek. Indicate the nose by drawing two dots in the center of the face. Draw a straight line, upturned at each end, to indicate the mouth.
Drawing Step 12

Draw a rounded rectangle within the headband.
Drawing Step 13

Draw the Leaf Village symbol within the rectangle. This symbol consists of a spiral with a straight line extending from the end and a triangle extending from the opposite side. Draw three small circles on each end of the rectangle.
Drawing Step 14

Draw the neck by extending two straight lines downward from the face. Detail the neck using two short, diagonal lines.
Drawing Step 15

Draw Naruto's hair. Below each ear, extend a series of short, curved lines meeting in jagged points.
Drawing Step 16

Draw Naruto's clothing. To do this, draw two tall, rounded rectangles below the neck. Connect the rectangles at the top using a short, curved line, and extend a series of connected, curved lines outwards from each rectangle.
Drawing Step 17

Enclose the collar of the garment using a long, wavy line. Draw a zigzag line between the two rectangles. Texture the fabric by drawing long and short curved lines.
Drawing Step 18

Extend curved lines from the collar to the edge of the page. Draw roughly vertical curved lines to detail the garment.
Drawing Step 19

Give Naruto a full head of hair by drawing a series of spiky, connected straight lines above his head.
Your drawing of Naruto's face is now ready.
Drawing Step 20

Color Naruto. He is typically depicted with yellow hair, blue eyes, and blue and orange clothing.
For more great Anime drawing tutorials, see the 31 Easy and Fun Anime Drawing Ideas post.
Learn More About The Naruto Drawing
Naruto Uzumaki is a young Ninja who wishes to rise to glory and eventually become the leader of his village, despite the challenges presented by situations beyond his control.
His story first appeared in the Japanese manga Karakuri in 1995.
The story continued in an additional manga volume and the serial Weekly Shonen Jump.
In 2002, Naruto became a television anime series.
A second series, eleven films, and a number of spin-offs have been created from the original story line.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
The Naruto series has a universal appeal due in part to the fact that it is a coming-of-age story.
The characters not only grow physically from pre-teens to young adults, but evolve and mature in the process.
According to the University of Missouri's Christopher A. Born, "the Naruto storyline contains Confucian values which can be identified and embraced by preteen and adolescent boys...[including] hard work, friendship, and winning at all costs."
Would you like to be able to draw Naruto? Doing so is easy with this simple step-by-step drawing tutorial.
All you will need is a pencil, a piece of paper, and an eraser.
You may also wish to use paints, markers, crayons, or colored pencils to shade your finished drawing.
Note that each step of this drawing guide contains both explanatory text and an accompanying illustration.
In the picture, new lines added in the current step are highlighted in blue. In some steps, you will need to erase lines drawn previously.
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