Learn how to draw a great looking Corpse Bride with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Corpse Bride.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing the Corpse Bride

How to Draw a Great Looking Corpse Bride for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by sketching the chin and cheeks using a series of short, curved lines. Notice the overlap of lines across one cheek, giving the face a skinny appearance.
Drawing Step 2

2. Enclose the face using two curved lines that meet at an off-center point. This establishes the hairline.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw two narrowly spaced curved lines descending from the face to form the neck. The lines should diverge at the bottom to indicate the shoulder.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw long, wavy lines to outline the hair. Allow the lines to overlap, at times coming to a gentle point to form separate locks of hair.
Drawing Step 5

5. Continue drawing curved lines over the top of the head and across the opposite shoulder, completing the hair. Again, allow some of the lines to meet at points, forming individual locks of hair.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw a curved "V" shaped line between the locks of hair, indicating the top of the dress. Use additional curved lines to sketch the torso and hips. Then, extend a pair of curved lines beneath the hair on one side to form the arm.
Drawing Step 7

7. Extend a curved line from beneath the hair on the opposite side, doubling it back upon itself to form the bare arm bone. Use a second curved line to draw another bone extending beneath it. Detail the hair with curved lines, and draw additional locks of hair between the arms and body.
Add More Details to Your Corpse Bride Picture - Step 8

8. Begin to detail the face. Draw a large circle to form each eye. Distinguish the eyelid by drawing a curved line across the top of the circle. Shade a small circle to indicate the pupil. Draw a curved line above each eye to indicate the eyebrow.
Complete the Outline of Your Corpse Bride Drawing - Step 9

9. Continue to detail the face, using curved lines to draw the nose and lips. Draw a jagged, wavy line parallel to the top of the blouse to indicate lace. Finally, draw a rounded triangular shape on the torso to form a tear in the dress, and band it with thick lines.
Color Your Corpse Bride Drawing

Color the corpse bride.
Learn More About The Corpse Bride Drawing
The Corpse Bride is a stop-motion animated film released in 2005. It was directed by Tim Burton, famous for using a similar aesthetic in films such as The Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach.
The title character is a deceased woman named Emily. When she hears the young groom, Victor Van Dort, practicing his wedding vows in the woods, she rises from the grave, assuming he has married her.
Even as he battles to return to his love, Victoria, in the Land of the Living, he warms towards Emily. Which bride will he choose?
The Corpse Bride is populated by zombies - undead humans "created through the reanimation of a corpse." This reanimation is typically by means of magic or methods of science fiction.
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The term zombi and its meaning are derived from Haitian folklore. The term was first recorded in 1819 and popularized by a 1929 book.
The folklore itself is even older, drawing on the same European legends as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Some researchers trace the archetype of the zombie all the way to the religion of ancient Egypt, as the goddess Ishtar is thought to have threatened to raise up the dead to eat the living.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Haunted House drawing, Scarecrow drawing, and Sugar Skull drawing.
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