Learn how to draw a great looking Wheat with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Wheat.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Wheat
How to Draw a Great Looking Wheat for Kids and Beginners - Step 1
1. Begin by drawing the stem or stalk. Use a pair of straight, parallel lines. Connect them at the bottom. At the top, extend curved lines that meet at a point. Extend another pair of curved lines that meet at a point, and another. These form the first of the kernels of the wheat head or spike.
Drawing Step 2
2. Draw more kernels, using a pair of curved lines for each. Draw two or three overlapping kernels in each row.
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Drawing Step 3
3. Draw more kernels to complete the spike. For each kernel, draw two curved lines that meet at a point. The top of the spike should have just one kernel.
Drawing Step 4
4. Texture the kernels by drawing a curved line down the center of each.
Drawing Step 5
5. Draw the second stalk of wheat. Use parallel curved lines for the stem, and connect them at the bottom. Then, use curved lines that meet at a point to draw the first kernel. Notice that this seed head is partially hidden by the first.
Drawing Step 6
6. Draw rows of kernels, using curved lines that meet at a point for each.
Drawing Step 7
7. Complete the spike with more overlapping wheat kernels. Again, for each kernel, draw two curved lines that meet at a point.
Add More Details to Your Wheat Picture - Step 8
8. Texture the kernels, drawing a curved line down the center of each.
Complete the Outline of Your Wheat Drawing - Step 9
9. Draw some loose kernels that have fallen from the wheat. For each, use a pair of curved lines to enclose a double-pointed shape. Draw a short line down the center of each.
Color Your Wheat Drawing
Color your cartoon wheat. While it is growing, wheat is green in color. When it ripens, it dries out, becoming white, golden, or brown.
For more great Plant cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Plant cartoons Designs post.
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Learn More About The Wheat Drawing
Wheat is a type of grass. For thousands of years, it has been cultivated by humans for its edible seed. You can learn how to draw wheat with the help of this simple, step-by-step plant drawing guide.
Why might you want to draw wheat? Here are a few fun drawing ideas.
You can illustrate a farm. Try turning the song "Old McDonald Had a Farm" into a picture book, complete with cows, pigs, and other animals.
Or you can make a farm-themed poster for a 4-H or Future Farmers of America contest.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Who else grew up on a farm? Superman! Draw a wheat field near Clark Kent's hometown of Smallville.
Wheat fields are often used to represent America, as in the song "America the Beautiful," which speaks of "Amber waves of grain."
You can illustrate Bible stories. Jesus often spoke about wheat because it was something most people were familiar with. He used a simple thing to explain complicated things.
For example, when he said "Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest," (John 4:35, King James Version) he was using the wheat ripening from green to white as a metaphor that people were "ripe" to be taught by him.
You can bake some bread. For most of history, people baked their own bread each day. But for more than a hundred years, the majority of people have bought bread in stores instead.
Learn to bake your own bread and illustrate your recipe! Bread is made from wheat flour or ground-up wheat.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Farm drawing, Bread drawing, and Corn Cob drawing.
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