11 Easy St. Patrick's Day Step by Step Drawing Tutorials

Have you ever wondered what St. Patrick's Day is all about? You can learn about the holiday and the cultures behind it as you complete these easy St. Patrick's Day step-by-step drawing tutorials.

11 Easy St. Patrick's Day Drawing Ideas

More About Drawing St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day has a long religious history. It is named after the man thought to have taught Christian beliefs to the people of Ireland. His birthday and the date of his death fell on March 17, according to legend.

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For over 1,000 years, the Irish celebrated March 17 by going to church and then eating and dancing. Some of the symbols of the holiday, such as the three-leafed clover, have religious symbolism.

In modern times, people have moved around more, and they brought their holidays with them. The first St. Patrick's Day parade was held in Florida in 1601. Over time, non-Irish people adopted the holiday as a time for celebration.

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You will notice that most of our sample drawings are colored green. Why? Ireland is called "the Emerald Isle" because of its rolling green hills. The shamrock is also bright green.

But here's a fun fact: St. Patrick himself was associated with the color blue. It was a specific shade of blue known as St. Patrick's blue.

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You can use both colors to shade your finished drawings!

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