How to Draw a Barbed Wire Heart

Learn how to draw a great looking Barbed Wire Heart with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Barbed Wire Heart.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Barbed Wire Heart

How to Draw a Great Looking Barbed Wire Heart for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 1

1. Begin the barbed wire heart outline by drawing a link of barbed wire. Start with a barb. For each barb, draw three overlapping ovals. Then, draw a narrow curved triangle extending at an angle from each end.

Once you've drawn two barbs, connect them with two overlapping pieces of wire. For each wire, use two parallel curve lines that are roughly "S" shaped.

Drawing Step 2

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 2

2. Draw another barb, again using ovals and narrow triangles. Draw a length of wire between it and the existing barb, and another length of wire extending on the opposite side.

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Drawing Step 3

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 3

3. Draw another barb at the end of the length of the wire. Complete the wire between the new barb and the existing barb.

Begin drawing another barb near the heart's point. Extend parallel curved lines between it and the previous barb.

Drawing Step 4

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 4

4. Finish the previous barb and draw another barb to complete the point of the heart. Use curved lines to draw a length of wire between them.

Then, extend a curved line from the final barb at a different angle, beginning the remaining side of the heart. Remember, the wire itself must form the heart shape.

Drawing Step 5

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 5

5. Draw another barb at the end of the curved line. Draw additional curved lines between it and the previous barb to complete the length of the wire.

Then, extend curved lines on the opposite side of the barb to create an additional wire.

Drawing Step 6

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 6

6. Draw another barb at the end of the wire. Use curved lines to complete the existing length of wire, and extend more wire beyond the barb.

Drawing Step 7

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 7

7. Draw another barb near the end of the wire from the previous step. Use curved lines to complete that length of wire and to draw another length of wire on the opposite side of the barb.

Add More Details to Your Barbed Wire Heart Picture - Step 8

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 8

8. Draw two more barbs. Use curved lines to create a length of wire between them. Your heart outline is almost complete.

Complete the Outline of Your Barbed Wire Heart Drawing - Step 9

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 9

9. Complete the barbed wire heart outline by creating a looped length of wire. Notice how the wires are doubled back upon themselves to form the point of the heart.

Color Your Barbed Wire Heart Drawing

Barbed Wire Heart step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Color your cartoon barbed wire heart. When it is new, barbed wire is metallic gray or silver in color. It soon rusts, however, and takes on a red or brown coloration.

For more great Heart drawing tutorials, see the 36 Step-by-Step Heart Drawing Guides post.

Easy, step by step Barbed Wire Heart drawing tutorial
How to Draw a Barbed Wire Heart Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Barbed Wire Heart Drawing

How do you tell a country girl you love her? You might try on this barbed wire heart drawing guide for size.

What does a barbed wire heart mean? Often, it is associated with rustic or rural farm life.

On the farm, for example, your significant other might make you a heart of barbed wire simply because it is an available resource.

It is also used in home décor to indicate a love for the rustic lifestyle.

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Barbed wire hearts can have another meaning as well. Some people may feel trapped in a bad relationship, or they may feel that their significant other is as sharp and prickly as barbed wire.

Other people use it to state that they "will remain in love regardless of the challenges he or she faces in a relationship."

The barbs, in this case, represent challenges like health issues, financial problems, or other external stressors.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Rose and Heart drawing, Heart Pixel Art drawing, and Jar of Love drawing.

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